A father was walking past his son's bedroom and saw, to his surprise, that the room was tidy and the bed made. Then he noticed an envelope propped up on the pillow with the word 'Dad' on the outside. With a trembling hand he opened the envelope and read the enclosed letter:
Dear Dad,
I wanted to let you know that I love you and Mom but I couldn't discuss this with you face to face as I knew we'd just get into an argument. I've left home for good. I've found true love, her name is Stacey and I've left to live with her. I know you will not approve of her tattoos, tight biker clothes and piercings but I really adore her. She has a small trailer out of town and we'll make it through just fine though it will be tough. I hope one day that you will accept my choice even though she is a little older than me and accept her into our family, her and our baby. She has been pregnant for several months now and I knew that you would think me too young to take on this responsibility but I feel that at fifteen now I am ready to prove myself. Stacey has shown me that many things I thought wrong are not, marijuana does not rot your brain if you smoke it responsibly and free love does break down barriers. I have high hopes that they will find a cure for AIDS as Stacey surely deserves it. In the meantime we will get by trading herbs with the other commune members. One day I will return with our grandchildren and see you both again.
Love Richard,
P.S. All the above is false , I am over at Tommy's but I want you to know that there are worse things than the school report on the bedside table.
Please ring me when it is safe to come home.
Dear Dad
by Qcmbr 13 Replies latest social humour
Too funny.
Love it !
OMG! That is great. LOL!!!
Very funny!
Ha ha...I ought to try that with the wife.
I'd take it out of his hide!!!!!!
HAHAHAHA...I got that this morning in a myspace bullitin...must be going around...hahahaha
At first I thought the author was going to be a girl and she was telling her parents she was gay. Anyone else think this?
*prays like hell someone else thought that*