This is good news in away that if this law sticks, it will certainly bring to light to the followers of these religions and the general public too what the organizations are actually worth
and how much they grabbed and cultivated from their followers. The WTS have never openly or purposely exposed their monetary structure to the body of the faithful for good reason,
they try and maintain the status that they are in need and that any money sent to HQ will be put to good use, albeit that there is hundreds of millions sitting in their bank accounts.
Yes folks religion is big business and big power for the folks that strive for it, the WTS is just one example of this phenomenon. The surprising irony to this situation is that most JWS
aren't aware that the WTS are holding more than a billion dollars in assets, to date and will not give out a penny to any charitable organization or worthy cause ( how unchristian )
It proves in a strong way how well their self marketing has worked for them and maintains their structure as an organization.