This sounds really bad for Vick. Here's the key quote from the fellow at the Humane Society:
Some of the grisly details in these filings shocked even me, and I'm a person who faces this stuff every day," he said. "I was surprised to see that they were killing dogs by hanging them and one dog was killed by slamming it to the ground. Those are extremely violent methods of execution they're unnecessary and just sick."
To compare dog fighting with football is ludicrous. The dogs have no choice in the matter, and they don't get luxurious life styles as the result of their participation. They are totally manhandled and abused, and it's shocking that this kind of thing goes on in modern-day America.
And to the poster (AATW) who alluded to the lineman who died in the heat -- that happened August 1 2001, to a Minnesota Viking named Korey Stringer. It was front page on the Yahoo news website that day, and was extensively covered here in the Twin Cities and by the national sports media. As a result of the incident, all NFL teams changed their training camp procedures to ensure that all players are properly hydrated, and that if any are being overcome by the heat they must be allowed to come off the field. Many teams now train in light color uniforms (the vikings wear usually wear purple, not good in the heat), and a team doctor must be at the practice session at all times.
Tell me when such care and attention is given to dogs in the fighting arena. Never!
While his guilt hasn't been proven, Vick is sure acting embarrassed over this whole thing. He quickly sold the house where these events happened at a fire-sale price once it became public what was happening there. Vick is also the star quarterback who (after a bad Falcons loss) gave the middle finger to a taunting fan in his home park, I think the fan was a child. HIs behavior is an embarrassment.
He's been sliding by a little, because he is the star of his team. He makes the offense go. He is arguably the most exciting player to watch in pro football.
Vick's team, the Atlanta Falcons, play their first game of the regular season in Minnesota against the Vikings on Septermber 9. We Vikings fans are honestly wondering, will Mike Vick be there or not?