A "Captive" No Longer

by saywhat29 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • saywhat29

    Okay, I recently read "Captives of a Concept" by Don Cameron and I am utterly shocked, yet I feel so I don't know- hell, FREE! This guilt of believing in "god's organization" and feeling as if I was losing something that in reality never even existed! At first I felt so guilty, as if it was my issues that led me to my path of not having faith in the organization and in a sense always believed that I was just immoral and couldn't uphold the standards. But not anymore- my loves for the menses just made me see that the Emperor new clothes in a different way from most and I couldn't change that.

    Sorry, it sounds as if I'm rambling, but I just fiished it last night and I just had to tell somebody. Since I can't go home and go "Hey mom, I think you're wasting your life and I have something to share with you that willbBreak your Reality as you know it! So.. Red pill or Blue pill?"

    -I decided to come and share that with you all!

    If anyone still has doubts or fears, or feelings of shame about leaving this organization, READ "Captives of a Concept" and start to free yourself of all those feelings. It's like having a dirty little secret now when I'm at the meetings that turned those one or two hours of routine self-hatred and torture into a full blown comedy skit or something... last meeting I went to I had to fight not to roll my eyes hard... and I lost.

    I swear, I have gay porn under my JW mom's roof, and I keep that book more hidden!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am happy to hear that you are no longer a captive of their concept. That makes you more aware
    than all the elders in all the congregations (except for the others that are no longer captives, but
    won't quit).

    That's a great book. It deals with doctrine without bogging the mind down in deep thoughts on dates
    and calculations.

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    Donating this book to your local library would be good so that J.W. could check it out!

  • BFD

    saywhat29 your personality shines through in all your posts. I would love to meet you one day. Isn't the feeling of freedom terrific! You just want to shout it out from the roof tops.

    I actually have not read that book yet but it is on my list.



    I am going through COC right now. Would you say that Captives of a Concept is better in any way. What does it entail that gives you that freedom of conscience?

  • Mum

    Oh, happy day! Good for you, sw.

    It's amazing how looking at a situation from a different perspective opens the mind! Welcome to the world of ideas!



  • OnTheWayOut
    I am going through COC right now. Would you say that Captives of a Concept is better in any way.

    They are totally different. Personally, I don't know how any JW could read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE
    with an open mind, and not realize that WTS is not God's organization. Some do, though.

    The point is that COC is really an eye-opener. You learn about the 2/3rds vote and hypocrisy.
    This is the book to read when one is ready to learn the real truth.

    CAPTIVE OF A CONCEPT gives a simple process to free someone of a false concept that
    Jesus chose these guys as his FDS. It encourages examination of the organization. It is not
    the eye-opener that COC is, but rather it helps you form questions.

    You could try to say that it is a different approach, but in reality it is apples and oranges. I did
    not read Captives first, but had already known about problems with the FDS beforehand. If I read
    Captives first, it would have prepared me better for the truth contained in COC.

    In short, Captives frees the mind to examine the organization, and COC exposes the truth of the
    the organization while you examine it.

  • changeling

    I'm glad you are "free". It's a great feeling.


  • saywhat29

    Hmm, I haven't thought about donating the book yet Sarah Smiles- I have to wear it out mentally, and reread things over and over again for a while. Give me a month or two and then I will definitely look into that because if a book like this had been readily available to me from a public library, it would have saved me heartache and questions for so many years- and I'm only 20, so you can imagine the eyes it could open for others.

    TIMBOB, I would listen to OnTheWayOut on this one as I haven't read COC- yet. To be honest, I was so scared to even think of ordering it and brining it into my house out of some fear of being disproved by "the organization" and buying to apostate book of apostate books. Now... I'm trying to find the cheapest place to order it from.

    But as he said TIMBOB, it just proves how this cannot be God's organiation and shows more than anything, how and why people *really* stay. At first i understood the feelings but its hard to give them words at times... but now i really do understand- the idea that people "have nowhere else to go" and they will fight to the death to keep their reality from breaking apart. Understanding that mental concept makes me feel sad and angry because this is how my family feels, since I've heard them in their most desperate moments say such crazy things as 'I would rather die than be out in that world again!" and be dead serious. It frees me from feeling guilty from being gay and 'immoral' and it frees me from feeling alone just because I could never give up such a thing as oh.. "independant thinking!" aka FREE WILL to some people in BK who I would never meet!

    It was... "proper food at the proper time"

  • TopHat

    I Haven't read "Captives of a Concept" YET. I wanted to ask you though...Do you think this book will be an eye opener for a Catholic or Protestant?


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