Was the 9/11 Collaspe of the WTC Caused by Controlled Demolition?

by frankiespeakin 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    This is video is of high quality and well done and has over 2 million views which is bound to have a very big impact on public opinion,, thank god for the internet:


  • proplog2

    A conspiracy of that magnitude could never be carried out by fallible human beings. Hundreds (thousands?) of explosive charges planted with a guarantee that they would all explode is way too risky for any government agency. If only one dud were found in the wreckage you would have a case. But none? They show pictures of the kind of cut these explosives would typically make in a metal beam. So, what percentage of fractures show that they could have only been done by demolition. Is it likely that with so much destruction you would find examples that "look like" demolition style damage? Sure. But you would have to photograph every foot of damage in the heap and do a correlation matrix to see if there is sufficient numbers of this type of damage to suggest strong, moderate, weak or zero evidence of demolition. I saw this movie with it's experts pontificating and the soft hypnotizing female narrator in the background interspersed with emotion generating pictures of buildings collapsing, people running ahead of the impact cloud and the people jumping out of the building. Pure propaganda piece.

  • Gill

    Reichstag Fire!

    We'd all like to believe it was a coincidence that the towers collapsed in such a manner.

    If someone planned this, then what warped and twisted minds are ruling and controling us?

    Easier to think that a bunch of communists, as in the case of the Reichstag Fire, or even Islamic fanatics caused such a catastrophe!

    Frankiespeakin - I watchted this hoping it would debunk the 'conspiracy theories' but of course it didn't. Cleverly, 'conspiracy theory' has become a dirty word, a joke, something that fools are tricked into believing. What is worrying is that sometimes there is no other explanation.

    We're being conned.......yet again!

    Suddenly, I don't believe anything I hear or believe anything I read. In the UK we are constantly hearing of 'terrorist arrests' only to then hear a few months later that the arrested souls have been released much more quietly that when they were arrested.

    Who are the REAL terrorists?

  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    And they didn't land on the moon and I don't think the earth is round either!

  • Leolaia

    No, I do not believe this is what really happened. And I never thought the collapse looked "just like" a controlled demolition and having personally witnessed the whole preparation process of controlled demolition, the idea is rather preposterous to me. The video also contains quite a few errors, such as its description of the length of time it took for the towers to collapse (the "free fall" question). It also does not discuss important facts about the collapse, such as the inward bowing of the East Face of WTC2 and the South Face of WTC1 for several minutes before the collapse (as well as the photographic evidence of sagging floors). These are of course the key pieces of evidence pointing to structural failure.

  • RAF
    It also does not discuss important facts about the collapse

    it's seems that you don't either ... So where are we going ? What is it all about : one have it all good and it's the gov ... I wonder if you really took into consideration everyhing here ... but lets skip WTC1 and 2 ... So what happened to WTC 7 ? hum ... tell me ? what happened to its structure ?

  • Leolaia

    RAF....I was simply giving my brief opinion as everyone else is doing in this thread. I have given more detailed information in other threads on this subject. Regarding WTC7, its South Face was gouged by falling debris from the WTC1 collapse all the way down, producing fires on multiple floors along the whole height of the building and these fires spread to the North and West Faces. These fires burned unchecked the whole rest of the day. So you have structural damage from the impact of WTC1 as well as damage from fire. As in the case of WTC1 and WTC2, structural instability was visible in WTC7 prior to the collapse. A transit was used to see if the building was leaning and they found that indeed it was not standing straight. Because of this, the collapse of the building was expected well in advance. See for instance the Camera Planet video of a frustrated firefighter who says that they had to let the fires burn because the structural integrity is not there in the building and that it was definitely going to come down. Many of the "conspiracy" accounts of WTC7 omit the structural damage and minimize the extent of the fires. Also they rarely discuss the unique design of the building and its vulnerabilities (such as the fact that it was built around a power substation, with trusses and cantilever beams supporting the whole rest of the building above the substation). I am not providing any sort of "analysis" of the collapse but pointing to facts that are downplayed by conspiracy websites/videos and which are the basis of non-conspiracy accounts of the collapse.

  • Gill

    Good points, Leolaia, and I have wanted to believe that a government couldn't possibly arrange something as horrific as this BUT, what continues to bug me even after all these years is one thing, apart from the horrific dust storm that happened as each tower came down, these buildings came down identically WITHOUT causing damage to surrounding valuable properties. The building brought down by controlled explosion came down in the same way. All very neat and tidy.

    One more thing. when the news reports on this atrocity began they estimated that at the very least 7000 people worked in these buildings. Many were evacuated, yes, but many didn't turn up for work that day either. I'd like to know who warned them off, though there are rumours here that it was MOSAD.

    Why was the airforce practicing for such a scenario on that particular day?

    Well, that's more than one question, but the whole package coming down was too 'neat and tidy'.

    I realise now, that many more questions exist, BUT in the the end, there were also NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! Governments lie all of the time.

  • stillajwexelder

    yawn yawn yawn

  • Gill

    Stilla - Maybe you're right and maybe it is all a bit of a yawn BUT the possibility that someone other that hot headed terrorists with a blood lust vengeance was to blame for this atrocity is too important to dismiss off hand.

    Conspiracy Theory is a dirty phrase nowadays. But, every year we all discover new things that our governments have done in the past.

    Fifty years from now or more it will be more than disturbing should we ever discover that three and half thousands innocents were sacrificed in a mad scramble to get into the Middle East just for oil.


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