30 Minute Public Talk-CONFIRMED

by stillajwexelder 112 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stillajwexelder

    So - Public Edition of the WT

    30 minutes talk to be amenable for the public

    Definitely trying to be more mainstream

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    They are trying to re-condition the R&F to stop thinking of doom and gloom. The end is not coming anytime soon so it's best they start controlling the conversations about how all the signs are being seen at once now.

    Good point. I think this is the general direction they are taking the flock. By the time HQ is done with all their adjustments 10 years from now we will have a totally different religion on our hands.

  • sandy

    I agree with Aude and Mum . . .

    No more negative emphasis in the state of the world and last days? As Aude said that is pretty telling. Is it possible the Witnesses will become more mainstream in the future?

    And with a more positive public talk visitors will not be as offended or turned off to their message and perhaps they'll be a little easier to convert. We all know more converts = more $$$.

    I guess we'll have to wait and see what the tone will be in future WT literature . . .

  • Chameleon

    hey stilla, thanks for the confirmation. now, did they say when this would start?

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes sorry, forgot that piece of information JANUARY 2008 is the confirmed start date for the new 30 minute Public Talks

  • hillary_step


    Surely they must do something about the WT Study which universally has to be the most boring gathering of any religious group!

    lol....So true.

    The WTS is becoming better at managing itself as a business. More streamlined, more focus on PR, it seems to be trying to shed the image of its more eccentric past and imho is doing a pretty good job in this. It is a cult trying hard to be a religion.

    The problem is that it has no real leading lights, in the mould of the Frederick Franzatic, whom they can claim as thier own 'scholars'. Most of what the WTS produces in the way of theological 'light' is just regurgitated bits and pieces from the spare parts graveyard of C19th Adventists, and a sort of Readers Digest style of religion.

    But it is being overtaken by education and information, at present its greatest enemy. It is no surprise to note that they have once again (no doubt under Jaracz influence) taken to demonizing further education. A revamping of its doctrines in order to keep alive theologically for another few years is a must. I think it will happen within the next five years. It cannot afford not to.

    A couple of JW's visited us recently. Former 'friends' of twenty years duration. They were at pains to avoid talking doctrine, dismissing them as 'not as important as love'. I think this is the new face of the WTS approaching us.

    Kind regards to both yourself and Mrs Ozzie - HS

  • watson

    They will make up for the shortened public talks with their new 4 day District Convention format!!!!

    We did not get this info (shortened talk) at our school and service meeting last night.

    I know what it is....it's a planted note of disinformation to discover which congregation "stilla" goes to...ouch.

  • 5go

    This only means one of two things to a JW

    1 the end is closer

    2 I think something is up I need to look this up on the internet.

  • eclipse

    I think that they are desperate to keep whatever JWs they have left, and are enticing them with a lighter kinder ''load''.

    More people in service = $$$ to the society

    Can anyone else confirm if they have read this letter in their congo?

  • stillajwexelder

    It is a cult trying hard to be a religion.

    Succinctly put HS

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