i slandered jehovah!

by The Humper 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • aquagirl

    the humper,its'ok..i officially forgive you and absolve you from all blame in this matter...go forth and slander no more....

  • jwfacts

    I am sorry to hear your story, it must really upset you.

    Your comments were directed toward the WBT$..The Watchtower is not Jehovah. Your mom and my mom have something in common

    Almost all Witnesses say this, there are completely mentally incapable of separating Watchtower from Jehovah. I just can not fathom how the WTS is able to have such an incredible power to lock down a persons thinking ability.

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    JAG- actually ive been to jail, and did some weed, so one out of the three. and im DA'd not DF'd, not that it matters because both are shunned just the same. either way im out and never regretted it.

    im actually happy with my life the way it is and in someway thankful that i was raised in the "truth" but only because it was being in that cult that lead me to make my decision to exit it very quickly when i did. if i hadnt been in then my life would have been very different and im not sure i would have met my wife, and def would not have my son.

    and as for the rest of my life i couldnt be happier. which btw i am in the Army and am proud of it. some of the topics about the military really make me upset but i keep my mouth shut for the most part. alot of comments are made in ignorance. even if they think that they know something about it, they really dont. all they do is show thier stupidity.

  • Stealth453

    "bethel does not own anything except their building."


    Now that sounds like something that my moronic brainwashed mother would say...with a straight face.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Humper,

    I am sorry, as I know that that was probably a very frusterating conversation. Sadley they put the Organization right up there equal to God. What I find so bizarre is the fact that you can question the Master but not the slave. In the Bible Thomas verbally doubted Jesus. Yet Jesus did not get offended and cast him off as being slanderous or unfaithful. He reasoned with him to gain his confidence, putting his fears aside. Yet to show doubts and question the organization is worse then questioning Jesus himself. What a very dangerous self appointed place they have put themselves in before God and his Son. I know how frusterating this kind of talk is, as I have family members still in, and they have the same attitude. They are all in denial. Their hearts are not yet ready to handle the truth about the "truth". Don't give up on your mom though. Many have eventually opened their eyes. For some it just takes longer. Hang in there.


    Lady Liberty

  • steve2

    Your dear JW mother is doing what mothers the world over do, whether they are JWs or not:

    She uses emotional blackmail to get you to keep your thoughts to yourself.

    As she possesses a fatal combination of Motherhood + Religious Ignorance there is probably no hope for her. She needs to be pitied, not you.

  • sass_my_frass

    They take it so personally when we don't believe what they believe. Hopefully she'll recall the words you used though - sometimes this stuff sticks in the head to be thought of and pondered in the background. All you can really do is enjoy your life and do your best to be kind to her.

  • Gill

    You bad ass, you!

    Heard it all before from my parents. They don't seem to care that 'Jehovah' is a 700 year old name made up by a Catholic Monk!

    JWs cannot and will not listen to reason until THEY themselves are ready to.

    However, you have planted the information in her head. She can deny it now until she is blue in the face, but she can never escape knowing it!!

    You did a good job!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Perhaps you slandered "Jehovah's Witnesses" organization. They can't discern the difference.



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