This is vinny from Hawaii. Sent you a personal PM.
We have extra miles we will give you. We want to help. And we can help. We are both still Christians though have said farewell to the JW's.
Get some rest. Get some food. Try to stay away from the alcohol to get your head clear. My Ex was also drinking when she pulled the trigger. Not a good thing for you right now.
Hope to hear from you.
Do not give up!!
Last Post
by Core88 146 Replies latest jw friends
seriously...take a break and just ring someone or one of those numbers. There is no coming back from what you want to do. All we need sometimes is a little help and a shoulder to cry on.
I am leaving work now and expect to see you here when I get home.
what is 'READY' Corey
tell me please
You don't love yourself?
You can't love your son
You can't love your girlfriend
You think you're no good to them
Is this right????
Core, talk to us. Hang on and let us help you work through this.
Tatiana: Did he call you?
It takes COURAGE
to say you are going to commit suicide and then BACK DOWN
You feel alot of pain at the moment. And that's a good thing really. It's kinda whacked but completely normal.
Things are going to change. That's what you want, right?
A guy once told me that you get to this point when you don't know what to do.
That'll come in time. Believe it.
Just give it some time.
Ditto ... take care (((Corre)))
No, mum. I am sitting here staring at my cell like it's the last thing on earth. I won't go to sleep tonight. I know it.
excerpt from How to start living and Stop worrying by dale carnegie...
I have known Harold Abbott for years. He lived in Webb City, Missouri. He used to be my lecture manager. One day he and I met in Kansas City and he drove me down to my farm at Belton, Missouri. During that drive, I asked him how he kept from worrying; and he told me an inspiring story that I will never forget.
“I used to worry a lot, but one spring day in 1934, I was walking down West Dougherty Street in Webb City when I saw a sight that banished all my worries. It all happened in 10 seconds, but during those 10 seconds I learned more about how to live than I had learned in the previous 10 years. For 2 years I had been running a grocery store in Webb City,” Harold Abbott said, as he told me the story. “I had not only lost all my savings, but I had incurred debts and took me 7 years to pay back. My grocery store had been closed the previous Saturday; and now I was going to the Merchants and Miners Bank to borrow money so I could go to Kansas City to look for a job. I walked like a beaten man. I had lost all my fight and faith. Then suddenly I saw coming down the street a man who had no legs. He was sitting on a little wooden platform equipped with wheels from roller skates. He propelled himself along the street with a block of wood in each hand. I met him just after he had crossed the street and was starting to lift himself up a few inches over the curb to the sidewalk. As he tilted his little wooden platform to an angle, his eyes met mine. He greeted me with a grand smile. ‘Good morning, sir. It is a fine morning, isn’t it?’ he said with spirit. As I stood looking at him, I realized how rich I was. I had two legs. I could walk. I felt ashamed of my self-pity. I said to myself if he can be happy, cheerful, and confident without legs, I certainly can with legs.
“I know have the following words pasted on my bathroom mirror, and I read them every morning as I shave:
I had the blues because I had no shoes,
Until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.”These words ought to be inscribed on our hearts, too: Think and Thank. Think of all we have to be grateful for, and thank God for all our boons and bounties.
You and I may have the services of “Doctor Merryman” free every hour of the day by keeping our attention fixed on all the incredible riches we possess – riches exceeding by far the fabled treasures of Ali Baba. Would you sell both your eyes for a billion dollars? What would you take for your two legs? Your hands? Your hearing? Your children? Your family? Add up your assets, and you will find that you won’t sell what you have for all the gold ever amassed by the Rockefellers, the Fords and the Morgan combined.
But do we appreciate all this? Ah, no. As Schopenhauer said: “We seldom think of what we have but always of what we lack.” Yes, the tendency to “seldom think of what we have but always of what we lack” is the greatest tragedy on earth. It has probably caused more misery than all the wars and diseases in history.
Lucile Blake: I resolved to think only the thoughts I wanted to live by: thoughts of joy, happiness, health. I forced myself each morning, as soon as I awoke, to go over all the things I had to be grateful for. My eyesight, hearing, music, time to read, good food, good friends.
The habit I formed then of counting my blessings each morning still remains with me. It is one of the most precious possessions. I am ashamed to realize that I never really learned to live until I feared I was going to die.
Dr. Samuel Johnson (eminent writer and celebrated conversationalist) : “The habit of looking at the best side of every event is worth more than a thousand pounds a year.”
Logan Pearsall: There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.”
You and I ought to be ashamed of ourselves. All the days of our years we have been living in a fairyland of beauty, but we have been too blind to see, too satiated to enjoy.
Count your blessings – not your troubles!