So you can tell something is bothering them.....

by lisavegas420 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    Do you confront them and ask them what's wrong? Do you ignore them until they get over whatever is bothering them? Or wait until they come to you?

    I work with a girl that goes back and forth between running to me as soon as I walk in to the office and gives me a big hug. Then the next time I see her, she will barely get out a "hello".

    One time we were talking and she suddenly got mad. I like wth? That time...she said she was upset because my husband and I had went out for a few drinks, with someone we had just met ...and she had asked me several times to go out with her and I had declined her invitation. I apoligized...didn't know what else to say. Everything was fine after that...for about a week, now she back to barely speaking again.


  • DJK

    I think your co-worker is insecure. It could be an easy fix with someone your very close to. If she isnt much more than just a co-worker, she may have to work it out on her own.

  • blondie

    Ditto, sounds like she is insecure. How does she interact with others at work, similarly? Can't fix everybody. Just be kind as possible. I know you are a kind person, Lisa.

    (hugs) for Lisa.


  • sparrow
    Can't fix everybody

    I had to have a chuckle Blondie - so true, so true. Would have saved myself a hell of a lot of heartache if I had realized this earlier on in life. In short last posts are on the money. I wouldn't lose sleep over it unless your planning to get involved. There's some issues there...

  • lisavegas420

    She is insecure. We've discussed that before, so am I. She says I'm her best friend. We have gone out together several times over the years, and we've gone out together with our husbands.

    She told me if it was her choice we would go out at least every other weekend. I'm just not like that. I like being at home, especially on weekends when my husband is home.


  • MadTiger

    Reminds of this movie I once saw.

    Hell, it reminds of a LOT of movies!!!

  • DJK

    Does your co-worker enjoy being home with her husband? Maybe that's the problem. Just a thought.

  • lisavegas420
    Does your co-worker enjoy being home with her husband? Maybe that's the problem. Just a thought.

    She says she does. He is a nice man and good husband/father.

    She did call me last week upset because her husband had given a co-worker a ride on his bike. I laughed, because I thought she was being silly. Then told her, I honestly didn't think she had anything to worry about. They were going to lunch, not a motel...he told her...she didn't find out later.


  • delilah

    Hey Lis..............yeah, she is insecure. Poor girl. Maybe you just need to let her know that, yes, you are good riends, but you just can't be together 24/7. That could ruin the friendship. Or at least create more problems.

    Tell her carefully, that you do have other friends who like your company, and you have to divide your time with them ,as well as make time for Oz and your family too.

    Everyone needs space, whether they realize it or not. I sure do. I love people, but I love my space too!!

    Good luck hon, I know it's not an easy situation.

  • rose petal
    rose petal

    Hey Lisa, she's like passive/aggressive, trying to control you. I've been there before with this kind of person. She says she's your best friend, but I bet $10 that all she does is talk about herself. She never asks you any questions, she won't know your favourite stuff or tastes. She's a drama queen and it's always about her. I tried to be polite with my 'friend', then I just had to be blunt. It's not easy, but she has to work out her own stuff. rose petal

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