psn network has been down for more than 3 weeks now... no modern warfare for me at the moment... :(
Any videogamers here?
by R.F. 69 Replies latest social entertainment
No kidding Hofer...major troubles there for Sony. Fortunately for me the credit card they had in their records for my PSN account had expired.
Don't play too much online these days, but not being able to use Netflix has been frustrating.
I am a huge gamer myself. Don't let my gamerscore fool you. This is my 4'th gamertag. One was a legit ban with 65,000 gp(tee hee) The other 3 were necessitated by LIVE buggering up my accounts when I got new consoles and would not allow me to transfer tags. I had a PS3 slim, got rid of it late last year because the thing started to feel like an f-14 Tomcat on full afterburner out of the exhaust ports. I was literally going to buy another PS3 this weekend. (decided for this w/e about 2.5 months ago) until the issues with PSN came up. Now, I am waiting on the Wii2 announcment this summer and hopefully pick one up on release date. Also, I have an itchy feeling that the next version of X-Box is just around the corner, possibly as soon as this holiday season (to upstage Wii) . Other than that, add me. I play just about anything. Heavy into Need for Speed Hot pursuit, Marvel vs Capcom3 and Red dead Redemption. Gamertag TDOT WILLY.
I'm one ... even though I suck at them, lol. There's a XBOX 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, and 4 computers in the house. My favorite types are action adventures, rpg's, puzzles, shooters, room escape, sometimes survival horror, and some others.
My PSN is SnowKitty1215, anyone is free to add me once the playstation network is fixed.
J. Hofer
red dead redemption is one of the best single player games i have played recently. i also love uncharted 1+2.
I have been playing this game for about 2 years. The whole game can be altered using Sandbox Editor, so I've loaded the maps with goodies to make it a rock and roll adventure from start to finish. There is no 'script' you have to follow, so it can seem like a different game every time you play it.
Crisis of Conscience
Completely agree with J. Hofer. I especially love Uncharted 2 online. I can't get enough of it. I have not bought any new games because of how awesome it is. Of course, I haven't been able to play recently because of the PSN issues, but I look forward to it.
anybody know "mass effect " ? Got it recently on PC, loved it.
Normally I´m into history based real time strategy and fantasy based RPG, both on PC and console (PS3).
oh and occasionally a sport or race game.....
I have Mass Effect, but I haven't had the chance to try it out. My sister raves about it though. Gotta love RPGs!