I never cared much for the chronology and I never entirely agreed with it, especially the age of the human race. I also didn't quite believe it when they applied fulfillment of prophecies to themselves. I also thought their explanation of Revelation was a little far fetched and I got tired of that book also.
WT Wizard:
I also got sick of hearing all these names for the great crowd. The whole religion is so hooked on labels and "classes" of every kind. I also got tired of having to remember all these non-essential bits of information like we were going to be quizzed all the time and you had to have this info at the tip of your tongue. My pet peeve was the one about all the Jerusalems, heavenly Jerusalem, etc.. and the bride of Christ. What, was I supposed to be jealous because I wasn't invited to this wedding???
Just call me one of the "sick and tired and not interested" class.