I like the way many of u think.....anyways since early 90's when i was DFd i totally abandoned the Society but left my great amazing son in it ....didnt speak to my family except my mom for about 14 yrs and as she always invited me to move back home RENT free! in an empty house they visit from time to time. I kept thinking: well my dad is getting to be 71 now ..and even tho i still speak in secret to my son (he had to stop seeing me 2yrs ago) maybe ill BS my way back in and I can actually see my son again and reestablish family ties...since i had broken up with my girlfriend. Well I agreed to this and its been 2 1/2 yrs and still not reinstated...it took me 1yr just to not fall asleep and laugh out loud during the meetings....OR throw my Bible and the pineapple on stage.....eg: 1st time i had to control my laughter was during the prayer..."Thank you Jehovah for all the smiling faces..." omg! ......I started to go to the all the meetings except the bookstudy ..at the hall... because it made me feel way tooo uncomfortable in such a small room with ppl that made me LOL and thats why i think theyre not reinstating me. I was Dfd for apostasy..causing divisions.(i put things in the paper, sent letters to my friends at the branch, Brooklyn Bethel, did an interview for TV, .i was a total basketcase!....).so the local body of elders wrote the cong that Dfd me and basically they want proof that im seriously repentant...other than leaving my girlfriend to join(BS story i gave them)...they said they look forward to the day when they can call me brother but first I HAVE TO SHOW THE original cong HOW SORRY I AM ..so i wrote a BS letter.to my original cong saying how sorry i am blah blah blah.......they had another meeting with me and dropped the hint about the bookstudy..BUT I DONT WANT TO GO TO THE FK BS...so im slowly coming around to the idea of not re establing ties.......I had come to the realization at age 16 that i was awfully lucky to have the truth out of all ppl on earth but i had heard Fred Franz nephew who was on Gov Bod got Dfd and I wanted to know why. After all if i was Catholic and the Pope's right hand man got the boot Id wana know all the details...So i read anything and everything but i stupidly got married to the most ignorant person(but still a good mother to my son) and instead of bouncing ideas off each other shed say well its over my head ........Since i have been back i have seen family members and nieces and nephews and talked to them even tho im Dfd they've talked to me as a kind gesture since im attending meetings But I no longer want to get reinstated and If i leave i dont think my last shred of relationship will be salvaged with my mom whom i adore. I might just milk it for all i can but thank God all my relatives are "Catholic" !
by fedorE 12 Replies latest jw friends
Bumble Bee
Welcome to JWD!
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Welcome to the forum!
So much for them welcoming you back, after 2 1/2 years you've still proven nothing in their eyes. The prodigal son parable means nothing yet they have built a whole robotish religion out of the parable of the faithful and discreet slave.
Hope you are able to figure out where to go from here. These folks are wonderful, insightful and more loving than I ever experienced in the 4 congos I was in. Keep reading and posting.
Hi, and welcome to the forum.
Why can't you see your son? The court can grant visitation without Watchtower authorization.
I cant see him because he agreed to stop seeing me until i get reinstated. He was baptized at 15yrs old but his raging hormones get the better of him and he has always been involved with worldly girls at school. He did a great job of concealing but was ratted out by a local JW girl. Then a group of JWs went out together and one thing led to another and he ended up getting oral from a 19yr old JW girl ..he s 17. They agreed to keep it to themselves but as soon as she got home she told her mother who told my sons mother and a JC was set up. He didnt get Dfd but came close as it wasnt public knowledge so they just privately reproved him. He was just about to give an experience at the Dist ASS..when this happened last yr. So to appease his mother and step father-and elders- he agreed to stop seeing me as proof of his seriousness for the truth. Which pissed me off of course but we text message each other every other day..so...at least i got that. I will eventually reach him since he has my blood runing through his veins!!!!
Welcome to the forum. It is amazing how an inactive member (like myself) can miss all the meetings
and many active members can barely make a few meetings every month, but to get reinstated, they
can hold every meeting over your head. They think that you must be controlled. If they don't control
you totally before reinstatement, they will never totally control you, so they assert themselves now.I am happy that you realize the problems. If you went so far, you could probably make 5 bookstudies
in a row and try again to get reinstated at that point. I am hopeful that you won't take that step, though.
I think the best thing to do for your son is STAY OUT, and he will wonder why. Reinstatement only
causes him to verify his beliefs.I know you could read about some who went back in to help others out. That is true, and fine, but
difficult. I could never go back and not LOL at the meeting parts. Keep posting, great story. -
Hi fedore
welcome - good to have you with us
Welcome to the board!
Welcome to the board
Welcome to JWD,
Another fine example of how this cult breaks apart families!