My computer crashed, and I just got back online... it's been almost two weeks. the last thing I was typing was a response to a post where I had mistakenly said that an asian lady I was engaged to was 25 years my junior... what I meant to type was that she was 25 years old. So for the record, I have never been with a 15 year old; not yet anyway.... Imagine how I felt when my computer crashed an I wasn't able to correct that record for two weeks.... Oops!
I am not a molester
by dawg 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Wordly Andre
HA HA HA wow, we are going to see you on Dateline NBC and Chris Hanson is going to tell you "your free to go"
It's good ot have you back Dawg, i did wonder where you were.
I knew there was a logical explanation.
Good to see you dawg!
See -- it all depends on punctuation. "She was 25 years, my junior" is very different from "she was 25 years my junior".
Anyhow it was strange that you suddenly dropped off at that key point in the thread. I didn't really believe you had "known" a 15-year old girl that way.
Well, your nic is Dawg. LOL I gotta admit if I had seen that post before and then you dropped off the face of the earth I would have wondered about you. Especially since I have enjoyed your posts since I've been here.
Glad to have you back and glad to know we won't be seeing you on Dateline.
I actually had finished posting my reply, i hit the submit post button and the computer lost connection... I had to buy a PCI adapter to fix it....
Welcome back, Dawg, I am not a child molester either.
lol, that's pretty funny...
I think that's one hell of an icebreaker dawg! LMAO!
"Hi. I'm So-And-So, and I am not a molester."