New JW-related book out in Denmark

by Dogpatch 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    A New book is out in Denmark:

    The book that is again
    referred to in the following article, has been mailed
    to me 2 weeks ago and will hopefully soon show up in
    my mailbox.

    Berlingske Newspaperdata: date- october 6 1994.
    ..Writer: Åge Iversen.
    Archive in the organization, who expose information
    about Jehovas Witnesses.
    Article heading: "Jehovas Witnesses rule with force
    and deadly fear."
    Subtitle:"The invisible prison".

    How far can a civilized world stretch itself in
    relations to an organization, that makes slaves,
    without an identity, out of it's members? (referring
    to the book "Skæbner fra et usynligt fængsel"(victims
    of an invisible prison).
    The religious sect, Jehovas Witnesses, is again in the
    spotlight in connection with Irma Lauridsens
    book"Skæbner fra et usynligt fængsel".The book is an
    atrocious revelation of, what is going on behind the
    shining and polished front, that Jehovas Witnesses try
    to keep up toward the rest of the world.
    This book is unique in that it gives those people a
    voice, who have been through this organizations
    psychopathic brainwashing. What these people have been
    the subject of, can mildly said, be called downright
    The book reveales an organization, who uses religion
    as a front for their real aganda, which is money and
    power. The organization is based on a mix of fear,
    anxiety, division and cronic guilt. because the whole
    organizations fundamentally buils on deadly fear. If
    you do not do exactly what the organization tells you,
    you will die on doomsday, which can arrive at any time
    now. People who dare to speak against the organization
    are disfellowshipped and get a deathsentence along as
    baggage. This deathsentence, is in some cases,
    impossible for a person to cope with, as this persons
    social network is pulled from under them from one
    monent to the next. By which means the deathsentence
    is carried out, the organization leave up to each
    person, weather it be mental illness or suicide. New
    scientific findings shows, that mental illness is much
    higher among people, who are or has been in contact
    with Jehovas Witnesses, than in the rest of the
    In the question about blood, the deathsentence is
    delivered at the christening . At that time a person
    gets disfellowshipped if they don't agree to die for
    the organization. The watchtower, Jehovas Witnesses
    organization, is run by force. Human rights are
    suppressed and grossly violated. The human rights
    convention in this country(Denmark) ensures, that
    every citizen in this country, has the right to think,
    believe and speak freely. The right to change religion
    and the right to cast their vote in political
    elections. All these rights are prohibited for Jehovas
    Witnesses. To think, to believe and to say something,
    that is not accepted in The Watchtowers rules and
    regulations, is cause for being disfellowshipped. To
    change religion will cause the social network to be
    removed. Th vote in political elections is cause for
    That is why I(Åge Iversen) am investigating
    allegations about The Watchtower, that has been
    presented to The Human Rights Tribunal in Strasbourg.
    By the same token, Jehovas Witnesses have to break the
    code of silence, that medical personnell and others
    adhere to, if they, as employees at at hospital have
    access to information about other Jehovas Witnesses,
    who have had an abortion or a bloodtransfusion.
    They have to beat their children even if it is
    strictly forbidden according to danish law.They have
    to refuse any form of military training, as the
    countrys requirement of an individual, is transferred
    to The Watchtower. They have to put God's law ahead of
    the countrys law.
    The Watchtower is a totalitarian and dictatorial state
    within a state that uses brainwashing as a means to
    accomplice their goal. This they do by inducing a
    constant deadly fear, combined with the surpression of
    any form of pleasure and joy. These methodes has the
    greatest impact on the children. They do not have an
    earthly chance to experience anything else but The
    Watchtower world. Everything else is forbidden and a
    sin. This extreme oppression of pleasure is in many
    cases the cause of incest and rape among Jehovas
    Witnesses. All ex-Jehovas Witnesse are telling about
    frustrated sexual feelings among Jehovas Witnesses,
    because everything of sexual nature is surpressed and
    made visible. The rest of the Article is about how The Watchtower do
    not adhere to any law but their own and how incest and
    rape victims are punished and the perpetrators go free.

    Exposing False Prophets and Doomsday Cults. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected]

  • Prisca

    bttt for our Danish friends

  • fodeja
    A New book is out in Denmark:

    Er, which book? This is confusing. Irma Lauridsen's book has been available for years now; I think there is even a German translation. The quoted article (is that from Berlingske Tidende?) is dated 1994. Åge Iversen is, AFAIK, founding member of a Danish ex-JW support group. I'm not aware of any books she has written, and could not find anything on the Net.


    (edited for silly typo :-))

  • TheOldHippie

    Oh me, oh my, that was THE worst bullshit I have ever read - and I have read a lot!
    Imagine, they're after my money - and I haven't donated one single dollar in the last 10 years!
    And hey! - it's my damned RIGHT to join the military forces! Wow! And I, who was a consentuous objector BEFORE I became a Witness! Wow! I guess I must retract my inner feelings that I had before that time as well!
    Surely this must be an objective book, free from prejudice .....

  • ozziepost

    More information is given in the Free Christians Newsletter from Regiss & Kathy Jones.

    It's a very interesting read and comes weekly.

    E-mail: [email protected]


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Norm

    Hi OLdHippie,

    Doesn't it strike you as odd that your personal experiences with being a witness is always very different from what most of us who have also been witnesses for many years have experienced?

    Don't you think we KNOW what we ourselves have seen and experienced?
    Have you read Irma Lauriudsens book? I know quite a few of those people who told Irma their stories, and I know they are true, several of the stories in her book are from Norway. Do you want to meet any of them and tell them what they have personally experienced is bullshit? Do you want to tell the woman who was DF'd for wanting to tell the authorities that her husband was molesting their two sons and had done so for years with the knowlegde of the elders in the cong?
    I know her, I can arrange for you to meet her if you want to, so you can tell her that all she has gone through to stop the molesting of her boys is just "bullshit".

    Then you can tell her how wonderful your life as a Witness is and what tremendous freedom you have, I am sure it will cheer her up.


  • anewperson

    This is what the FCN said in defence of the book and includes another email that just came in from Denmark. The molestation and privacy issues aren't going away for the Watchtower. Send copies on to friends.

    *Rapid Translation, Schnelle Uebersetzung: *
    * *
    * *

    Covering the Bible, health, religion, science etc
    All Belief Systems Welcome, Come To

    Egrouper Annette (Danish name Åge Iversen - netmor at sent the following produced in full which we alluded to in the last full newsletter and which the anti-cults "doomsdaycults" Yahoo egroup has also already run. Before you read her article which at its beginning refers to her investigating spying on JW bedroom activities then elsewhere notes other issues, we wish to note in its defence the following:

    The extent of surveillance from congregation to congregation likely
    varies, although as all former JWs will recall all JWs are told to
    report on each other. Watchtower Society heads put out articles
    saying for elders to no longer "police" the bedrooms in 1978 which
    you can confirm by looking in the index or via CD ROM under sex or
    oral sex. In a talk (but not in writing) in 1983 members were
    told "The Practice" of some marital intimacies can lead to
    Expulsion. This whole topic has also discussed on Jehovahs- So regular JWs absent that evening have been "expelled" (harassed/trained) without clearly aware why. See
    for yourself that the "Insight" books by the WTS have articles on all
    Bible books except the Song of Solomon (also called Canticles) which
    has much positive marital imagery out of line with the Gov Body's
    views of what is "holy." Instructed to keep such things, child
    molestation etc "in-house," when asked most elders deny the 1983-
    onwards policy on sex in the confines of matrimony in order to
    protect the Gov Body.

    In 2001 nearly 100,000 JW congregations existed earthwide and privacy
    abuses in only 1% of those would entails abuses in 1,000 halls. If
    25% of the abuses occur in the USA then that's 250 cases of abuse of
    privacy or at least 4 halls having such problems per state, although
    many times that number in some of the larger population states. Ray
    Franz's two books give concrete examples of spying, noting for
    example an instance where an observant JW noticed elders watching his
    home from behind bushes after which he crept up behind and took their
    pictures. Also in Greece branch Bethelites in a van were arrested
    and convicted of breaking the law by secretly videotaping exJWs who
    showed up to partake of emblems at an apartment. After this occurred
    Watchtower magazines began denouncing Greece and the Greek Orthodox
    Church as allegedly being major "human rights" violators against
    JWs. Many years ago ex-Zone/Branch Servant William Schnell wrote
    Thirty Years A Watchtower Slave in which he described visual
    surveillance and the usage of files including against himself.

    Anette's nation Denmark has been home to some particularly bad cases
    of invasions of privacy by the usage of files kept on members
    (strictly against European Union law) which have been published in
    the Danish paper Politiken. Outraged to learn what had been going on
    a number of JWs there quit the WTS and formed groups in opposition to
    the WTS, for example lobbying legislators and distributing "No JWs"
    labels for affixing to doors. As said this does not mean that
    pervasive spying, even regarding married couple's sexual activities,
    occurs in every single congregation. But recall that many
    congregations do have cases where elders did the Watchtower Society's
    will and covered up, for example, child molestation.
    ( In fact some have estimated the number of such
    congregations at least in the USA are much much greater than 1%.

    We believe that in those places in particular compliant elders have
    felt pressure to also invade privacy "for the good of the
    organization." In some situations members have reported elders
    resorting to physical harassment (poking, shoving etc),
    hinting "Jehovah's eyes are everywhere" and giving details of the
    members' most private conversations and bedroom doings with their own
    marriage mates. Again, there are good elders but those who openly
    speak up against the WTS are subject to so-called "training"
    or "disciplining in righteousness". For example Bill Bowen spoke up
    openly and ceased being a JW elder over child molestation then his
    every step (even to the bathroom) was dogged in the Draffensville,
    Kentucky, (near Paducah) Kingdom Hall, he received threatening mail,
    was called "Satan," etc so it's not surprising more people have not
    yet gone public over the privacy issue either although in the
    anonymity of chatrooms it is sometimes discussed. Most of us would
    call these abuses harassment. We therefore commend Anette for her
    continuing investigative efforts regarding the invasion of privacy
    issue and pray that many others will follow in her footsteps.

    Anette wrote the following:

    "Finally I recieved a response , for my request to obtain a specific
    artikle from Berlingske Tidende, Denmark. The article I recieved was,
    however again, not the one I requested about the elders spying on
    Jehovas Witnesses in their private bedrooms. I will keep trying to
    get it though. The book that is again referred to in the following
    article, has been mailed to me 2 weeks ago and will hopefully soon
    show up in my mailbox.

    Berlingske Newspaperdata: date- october 6 1994...Writer: Åge Iversen.
    Archive in the organization, who expose information about Jehovas
    Witnesses. Article heading: "Jehovas Witnesses rule with force and
    deadly fear." Subtitle:"The invisible prison".

    How far can a civilized world stretch itself in relations to an
    organization, that makes slaves, without an identity, out of it's
    members? (referring to the book "Skæbner fra et usynligt
    fængsel"(victims of an invisible prison). The religious sect, Jehovas
    Witnesses, is again in the spotlight in connection with Irma
    Lauridsens book"Skæbner fra et usynligt fængsel".The book is an
    atrocious revelation of, what is going on behind the shining and
    polished front, that Jehovas Witnesses try to keep up toward the rest
    of the world. This book is unique in that it gives those people a
    voice, who have been through this organizations psychopathic
    brainwashing. What these people have been the subject of, can mildly
    said, be called downright dirty.

    The book reveales an organization, who uses religion as a front for
    their real aganda, which is money and power. The organization is
    based on a mix of fear, anxiety, division and cronic guilt. because
    the whole organizations fundamentally buils on deadly fear. If you do
    not do exactly what the organization tells you, you will die on
    doomsday, which can arrive at any time now. People who dare to speak
    against the organization are disfellowshipped and get a deathsentence
    along as baggage. This deathsentence, is in some cases, impossible
    for a person to cope with, as this persons social network is pulled
    from under them from one monent to the next. By which means the
    deathsentence is carried out, the organization leave up to each
    person, weather it be mental illness or suicide. New scientific
    findings shows, that mental illness is much higher among people, who
    are or has been in contact with Jehovas Witnesses, than in the rest
    of the population.

    In the question about blood, the deathsentence is delivered at the
    christening . At that time a person gets disfellowshipped if they
    don't agree to die for the organization. The watchtower, Jehovas
    Witnesses organization, is run by force. Human rights are suppressed
    and grossly violated. The human rights convention in this country
    (Denmark) ensures, that every citizen in this country, has the right
    to think, believe and speak freely. The right to change religion and
    the right to cast their vote in political elections. All these rights
    are prohibited for Jehovas Witnesses. To think, to believe and to say
    something, that is not accepted in The Watchtowers rules and
    regulations, is cause for being disfellowshipped. To change religion
    will cause the social network to be removed. Th vote in political
    elections is cause for

    That is why I(Åge Iversen) am investigating allegations about The
    Watchtower, that has been presented to The Human Rights Tribunal in
    Strasbourg. By the same token, Jehovas Witnesses have to break the
    code of silence, that medical personnell and others adhere to, if
    they, as employees at at hospital have access to information about
    other Jehovas Witnesses, who have had an abortion or a
    bloodtransfusion. They have to beat their children even if it is
    strictly forbidden according to danish law.They have to refuse any
    form of military training, as the countrys requirement of an
    individual, is transferred to The Watchtower. They have to put God's
    law ahead of the countrys law.

    The Watchtower is a totalitarian and dictatorial state within a state
    that uses brainwashing as a means to accomplice their goal. This they
    do by inducing a constant deadly fear, combined with the surpression
    of any form of pleasure and joy. These methodes has the greatest
    impact on the children. They do not have an earthly chance to
    experience anything else but The Watchtower world. Everything else is
    forbidden and a sin. This extreme oppression of pleasure is in many
    cases the cause of incest and rape among Jehovas Witnesses. All ex-
    Jehovas Witnesse are telling about frustrated sexual feelings among
    Jehovas Witnesses, because everything of sexual nature is surpressed
    and made visible.

    The rest of the Article is about how The Watchtower do not adhere to
    any law but their own and how incest and rape victims are punished
    and the perpetrators go free.


  • sf


    I found one other item Schnell wrote:


    205. Schnell, William J.. Jehovah's Witnesses' Errors Exposed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, (1982). Paperback Ed. . Very good copy. condition Formerly published under the title of 'Into the Light of Christianity'. $15.00


  • fodeja

    OK, so there isn't a "new" book out in Denmark - this really was an old article from BT.

    Anyway, these are the stickers mentioned:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses - No Thanks!"

  • JT


    i have always found it most interesting to read post by persons like yourself

    You see-- while you defend the WT- these very same folks would SPIT in your face for being here in this forum

    so much for Freedom to think as you please i guess-

    but i do commend you for Merely being here for that is the first sign of leaving the Org and no longer supporting it.

    You are just at a stage in your journey that many of us have ben thru

    where we constantly try to protect the Org, much like you -

    the funnny part is after awhile you will be relating to some Loyal jw how you too once defended the org despite any evidence that was presented

    i think the neat thing about the net and forums like this is one is actually able to watch folks grow in their ability to do "Critical Thinking"

    while some folks name call and dog folks cause they don't get it RIGHT NOW - I'm learning that each person is at his or her own rung of Critical thinking

    to me the most important thing in the world is for a JW or believer in wt to JUST BE HERE

    for merely being here is indeed an accomplishment in itself

    then to see loyal jw actually post- as i have often stated - whenever a loyal jw or believer post- that person should be commended not dogged for they come here at their own personal and family risk

    so while i don't agree with your position i'm glad to see that slowly but surely you are showing all the classsic signs of a person who doesn't believe the WTis the mouth pc of god by your merely being here

    whether you defend them or not MATTERS not to me, but your being here is the KEY

    you see after awhile all the topics and subjects will become harder and harder to disregard, esp as the wt continues to do more and more Goofy stuff

    the UN case is almost a joke- to think that after almost 60yrs of dogging the UN - they are now sitting at the TABLE OF DEMONS


    so keep posting


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