does anyone know the lyrics to the song Imagine written by a sister that supposedly lives in Ireland?.......she supposedly changed the lyrics and im curious about it
imagine written by john lennon
by alexrae 15 Replies latest jw friends
Wordly Andre
Are you listening to JackFM right now that song is on the radio
I haven't heard of that, but I'll bet it's a real gagger!
I love the original and it is the ringtone for my cell phone. I especially like the "no religion too" line.
John Lennon was a real visionary, a true musician, not like most of the scrubs that you hear on the radio today. Here's some links, for your enjoyment.
Welcome alexrae, sit back and relax. Have you been lurking for long? I see it's your first post. Tell us a little about yourself.
Thanks.......................those are great.
that is one of my favorite songs, I hope no "sister" bastardized it with lyrics praising the WTS. I stop whatever I am doing and sing along whenever it is on the radio. Lovely song.
Imagine you're not a witness
it's easy if you think
that the goverinig Body
Shi% don't stink
Imiagine all the people
Thinking on their own
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I can think on my own
I hope some day all the dumbass wintesses
Can think alone
you hoes! I come up with snappy lirics like this and you give no props? Bitches!
In fairness, it's only been 16 minutes, but I found them funny. Mad props.