I've heard there is a very secretive process the WTS uses to determine whether or not they'll consider someone "of the Annointed." From what I've heard it's a very rigorous set of questions. Can anyone here confirm this? I'm just curious as to the process of being recognized. Does someone just wake up one day and go "I'm annointed!" then take some sort of test and if they pass, it's official? Is it some sort of Jedi test where you have to guess the image someone is looking at without you being able to see it? Do you hear voices? Have visions, etc?
Also, I was reading something about the JIOR (Jehovah Is Our Righteousness) Annointed class. I read that they are the true annointed, of which Knorr was a member, but when Franz took over, they told the society that the Kingdom of God had disfellowshipped their organization and they would be cast into spiritual darkness. It's all pretty wild stuff I'd like to know more about if anyone has any insights/links they can throw my way.
Becoming officially recognized as Annointed
by B_Deserter 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Does someone just wake up one day and go "I'm annointed!" then take some sort of test and if they pass, it's official? Is it some sort of Jedi test where you have to guess the image someone is looking at without you being able to see it?
I never claimed to be anointed, but AS FAR AS I KNOW, there is no such test.
You can wake up one day and say "I am anointed."The organization doesn't deny or recognize your claim. You have no special privileges
from the organization, and they don't care about you anyway, so they don't stop you
from claiming your status as anointed.The local congregation elders and publishers might not believe you are really of the
anointed, so they might scoff, but they ultimately cannot deny your claim. -
Interesting. I know of one sister who claims to be of the annointed. Some scoff (maybe because the idea of a black Annointed person is impossible to them), but others just don't bother to speculate. I think if you're a R&F and claim to be annointed they don't say anything. However, if you're an Elder, CO or DO they may press you a little harder. I know of a CO in his fifties that made that claim, and heard he was questioned very intensely and eventually the brothers decided he was. Of course this was also before the 1935 doctrinal change, so getting him approved may have been a really big deal because of that. I think they actually declared him as Ray Franz's replacement. Can't remember for sure though.
I don't think that's so. They take people at their word, at least to their face. Behind closed doors, who knows...
from what i understand, you just claim it. there is no test i am aware of. but, they say that if you do claim to be annointed, and are not, you'll be smited worse than anyone or some such nonsense.
Now that 1935 is gone, I think we're going to see the floodgates open on new annointed ones flooding the organization. I heard you don't even have to be annointed to be on the GB now.
I heard you don't even have to be annointed to be on the GB now.
I've never heard this and it would go against JW theology if they made this change. The governing body justifies their power because they claim to be the representatives of the faithful and discreet (slave), the anointed. They fancy themselves a sort of elder body for the anointed. Since they interpret Mathew 24:45-47 to mean that Jesus has appointed the remnant of the 144,000 as the FDS, they draw their own authority from claiming to be the spokesmen, an elder body, for the FDS. To put non-anointed on the governing body would make no sense keeping these teachings in mind. The non-anointed are not supposed to be taking a leadership role under JW theology because Jesus didn't appoint them to oversee the "domestics."
It's possible, probably highly likely, that they changed the 1935 teaching in order to persuade "capable," long-time Bethelites to decide that they are part of the anointed after all in order to qualify for vacant GB spots.
The local congregation elders and publishers might not believe you are really of the
anointed, so they might scoff, but they ultimately cannot deny your claim.Perhaps they cannot deny your claim in principle, but the local (non-anointed) Body of Elders can determine that they will not count you as a partaker, and thus not "officially" recognize you as anointed.
You have no special privileges
from the organization,Not true...you get to drink really shity wine, and eat jezuz crackers once a year.
Watch for the appearance of a sub heavenly class.