My mom is fed up now and wants to leave my dad now.
She wants to do it VERY soon. The interesting thing is I was planning on moving out in a few months, but Mom seems to be planning on leaving way before then. So im going to just move with her to help her with bills for a little while. I love my dad, but I really knew this was coming from a mile away. They almost split quite a few times as I was growing up. My dad, knowing that I wanted to please Jehovah, use to say this to me and my siblings in our very early childhood years........
"You know when your mom leaves and you go with her you won't be in Jehovah's favor. You know she doesn't go to meetings."
He knew that I would pick living with her over him in a hot second and he plays the mind game on us like that.
But anyhow, i'm looking at the positive side of this. I planned on leaving anyways, especially with the constant interrogation by my father about meeting attendance. My mom doesn't question me and knows I have my own life to live. Too, I don't or wouldn't do anything on my own that I wouldn't do while living with them, so now I don't wanna rush. I think it's very apparent that they shouldn't be together anymore. My brother is still at home too and he feels the same. He can't stand living with dad either.
So the plan is...move with mom, help her out for a little while, build up my savings even more, all while getting rid of all of the guilt tripping my dad puts on me. It's sad that it would have to turn out this way, but it's definitely for the best. Again I just try to look at the positive side of things now.