Post 1565
I too have replied to every argument that you have posted. Ditto! Regarding Jeremiah 25:12 the exact wording "And it must occur that when seventy years have been fulfilled I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation, is the utterance of Jehovah, their error, even against the land of the Chaldeans, and I will make it desolate wastes to time indefinite".
Plainly, the calling to account was not the Fall of Babylon but her destruction as defined by being made desolate. This defined 'calling to account; is therein described and was applied to the king of Babylon, nation of Babylon and the land of Chaldea. Clearly, the recipients of the error did not experience that judgement in 539 BCE at the Fall but rather at a much later time which only commenced fulfillment only after the expiration of the seventy years in 537 BCE. It is simply impossible to use this text to prove that the 'calling to account' only happened at her Fall. Your theory is thus disproved.
The numbering of the days of Babylon described by Daniel pertain to the Fall of Babylon which was also foretold by Daniel who not only prophesied Babylon's Fall but her destruction.
Further, Jeremiah 25:12 begins what scholars call the OAN- Oracles Against the Nations where Jeremiah lists all those nations who had served the King of Babylon including Judah which were made to drink of wine of rage. And what that and how were all these nations called to account? It was by devastatation began in Judah which followed on to all of them. Jer. 25:18.
scholar JW