I didn't stay awake if I could help it.
What did YOU do to stay awake???
by TheCoolerKing 19 Replies latest jw experiences
I actually use to pinch myself in order to stay awake. Didn't work. and at times i would have loved to have gone to sleep- but thats when your family starts nudging you , as if you will magically snap out of it and pay attention now. "Nope, you just tapped my shoulder and now all of the Sleepy is all out of me. all gone, now I'm wide awake- Thanks!"
God, i think I might just fqall down the steps this convention and end it all- that will put me to sleep and wake everybody else up.
There was a time when I worked night-shifts and had the meeting a couple of hours after work. It was some of the crappiest times. I filled up on coffee before the meeting and would get up at least a couple of times during the meeting and just stand in the back for a few minutes.
I used to try and make the people in front of me react by blasting them with psi waves. It never worked
When I was younger I would sneak off to the bathroom and sleep in peace, without my mom jabbing me to keep me awake.. and I district Conventions.. I would go the the bathroom that was the furthest from where we were sitting. At regular meetings me and my sister were allowed to get up 1 time, and not at all at book studies. we had this really old elder's wife that would complain about us playing in the bathroom. :( poor little children, also we were not allowed to go to the bathroom at the same time, or at the same time as other girls in the cong.. man now that I think about it there were a lot of bathroom rules.
It was nap time for my husband! I'd glance around the hall and oooooya I could pick out who the night workers were. It's very common. I had the kids to keep me awake.
I used to fantasize and also solve crosswords during boring meetings and most were boring, dull and repetitive. Some JWs used to sleep through the meetings and never seemed to be embarassed by it.
i'd smoke crack. lol seriously though, i would fantasize about what i'd be doing the next day, or which sister i'd like to see naked. lol
I heard from another thread that the Puketower Society is in the preliminary stages of banning coffee. There was a Questions From Readers about April 15 about that, and they were talking about that issue. For now, it is a conscience matter. However, something tells me that the hounder-hounders are going to start using that as a houndable offense and to determine who should and should not be given
burdensprivileges. Later, once the Kool-Aid edition of the Puketower comes out, they might go for the outright ban on caffeine. And then the pioneers will be up s*** creek without a paddle. -
I started self mutilating when I was 6 or 7 to stay awake. I would engrave scriptures and bible characters names into the skin on my arms and my thighs with my nails or a broken bit of a Bic biro. I was always a sick little girl.
I also remember when I got to 12 or 13 I would dig my nails into my scalp until it would bleed. I forgot about this until a hairdresser asked me what all the scars on my scalp were from.
As I got older about 14, different forms of self abuse kept me alert and stimulated. I would sit and stare at the speakers in a lewd way hoping to distract them.