The Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the...organization.

by candidlynuts 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quandary


    The word theocracy is NOT in the Bible either, although the idea of a theocracy can be seen in the Old Testament, but NOT in the New Testament. Both the words theocracy and organization have a "secular" connotation. Jesus' teachings were anything but "secular" in nature. To the contrary, his teachings went against the establishment's rigid "organizational" confinement. His "law" was love and freedom, not an enslavement to a litany of endless rules and regulations. The GB and their "organization" mimic so perfectly the Pharisees of Jesus' day! Hypocrites!!


    PS Thank you for finding this "gem"- Just another nail for their coffin.

  • poppers

    "Roman Catholic leaders told its followers what to believe about the Bible and it was almost a sin to interpret the Bible for themselves. (from what I can recall from presentations at the doors back then) How the common man wasn't even allowed to own a Bible."

    Wow, that's interesting. I grew up Catholic and that wasn't the attitude I encountered. True, the bible wasn't emphasised much but there never was an attempt, as far as I can recall, to prevent people from reading and owning one. My family had one, as did many Catholic families that I knew.

    An interesting incident, to me anyway, occurred to me in the last few years that I still attended the RC church. There was a retired priest who would occassionally say mass in local churches. I always looked forward to those times because prior to reading the gospel he would give the historical background of the time in order to bring greater clarity to the gospel itself. I had never ever heard any priest do that before. After mass once I commented to him how much I enjoyed that and he said, "Well, the church says I'm not supposed to do that, but I don't care. The church wants us priests to simply read the gospel and then let the Holy Spirit lead the listener in understanding it. We don't want to dictate meaning; we want each person to read the bible on their own." That seems to fly in the face of what the JWs have said about the RC church, which doesnt' surprise me I guess. Sometimes when I read what others have said about the RC church I simply cannot relate to it from my own experience and I wonder just where they get their ideas and why they have such hatred.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    From what I remember learning, it was a long time ago that the Catholics restricted the Bible from the common man, certainly not in any of our lifetimes. The jws did say that Catholics were famous for not reading the bible. And I did have several people who were Catholics tell me in service the same thing. They actually said, "I am Catholic and we are known for not reading the Bible on our own.

    I attended Cathlic mass as a child and never heard a good sermon. It was more about rituals and reading back the words printed in the book they provided. I guess you had a liberal and thoughtful priest Poppers.

  • Arthur

    The WTS is correct in stating that the Bible (NT) was written for the Christian congregation. But the way in which they very craftily insert the word "organization" into the dicussion takes the discussion into a doctrinal "Twilight Zone". The concept of organizational salvation, or organizational mediatorship appears nowhere in the Bible.

    There is nothing in Scripture to suggest that the Bible can only be interpreted by a centralized ecclesiastical body within a particular denomination. Even if the "Faithful Slave" parable were prophetic, the way the WTS states, the concept of relinquishing all matters of faith and doctrine to a centralized body of leaders - giving them supreme legislative and judicial powers to enforce their own personal consciences upon others - is total nonsense.

    The Watchtower has reverted to the days of the Old Covenant priesthood whereby they have robed themselves with the kind of reverential authority and one-on-one Godliness that Moses enjoyed. They are in serious need of a reality check.

  • emptywords

    The premise of the Catholic Church is Majesterium. The Tradition of the Church is that Jesus bestowed the power of correct practice of faith and morals on Peter who passed it on Pope by Pope by Pope. Parishoners only got themselves into deep doo doo when they read the bible for themselves. These people often became apostates (called heretics).

    The premise of Protestantism under Martin Luther was that there is no organization between god and man; only Jesus and his Holy Spirit. The layperson is perfectly able to divine God's will directly by prayer and grace and bible reading.

    The Watchtowr Society as always denied being Protestant. This for good reason! The entire organization closely mirrors the Catholic organization in everything. The Governing Body is an ensemble "Pope".

    The employ Inquisitions and declare heretics and excommunicate as well.

    The Watchtower is part of the "whore" of Babylon by their own description!

    I must say I do agree with this, and have noticed that those that come out of BTG are Catholic, they do boast about that.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    The 1971 book The Nations Shall Know that I am Jehovah" devotes chapter 4 - "Commissioned to Speak in the Divine Name" - to outlining why the Watch Tower Society was chosen in 1919 to "speak as a prophet in the name of Jehovah."

    "commissioned to serve as the mouthpiece and active agent of Jehovah … Whom could the real "chariot" of Jehovah's organization roll up to and confront that He might bestow upon this qualified one the commission to speak as a prophet in the name of Jehovah?" The Nations Shall Know that I am Jehovah" - How? pp.59,61

    Catholic Catechism #969 “Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix.” Clearly the Catholic Church has lifted titles for the Holy Spirit and applied them to Mary. The title Mediatrix is the feminized version of Jesus‟ title as Mediator. The RCC makes Mary a co-mediator.

    Catholic Catechism # 882 The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's successor, "is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the 7 bishops and of the whole company of the faithful. For the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered."

    Like the Watchtower, the Pope sees himself as the visible head of God’s Kingdom on earth as opposed to the invisible authority of Jesus Christ. However, early Christians walked by faith, not by sight. (2 Cor. 5:7).

    Like the RCC teaching that Mary is a Co-Mediator with Christ, Watchtower sees themselves as a similar co-mediator.

    One of the Pope’s titles is the Vicar of Christ. The word vicar comes from the Latin word vicarius meaning substitution. The on-line version of the Pocket Catholic Dictionary defines the Vicar of Christ as: “The Pope, visible head of the Church on earth, acting for and in the place of Christ”.

    However, this is in serious conflict with scripture. Can there be two heads on one body?

    Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. - Ephesians 5:23

    Also like the Catholic Church which claims its traditions and unique teachings are equal to that of the bible, the Watchtower also views its teachings as part of the bible with the same authority:

    Watchtower December 15, 2008, pg. 28 – “Our coming to know „the truth‟ - the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible - and adhering to it are essential for our salvation”.

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