Sorry for your loss.
Cat is in trouble- advice?
by Insomniac 35 Replies latest jw friends
I'm so sorry - cats will eat anything - and threads and stuff like that are just something you can't control all the time. I'm sorry, I know you and your mother feel badly, but I don't think there was a lot you could do.
Sorry for your loss. There are lots of kitties at the shelter needing a home and they probably don't eat everything in sight.
I am really sorry for the loss of your cat. I love cats. After my 14 year old cat died a few years ago, I have not had the heart to get another. Living alone, that cat was my companion. I miss him still...and his pic is my desktop wallpaper.
On the one hand you miss the cat..... on the other, no more worries about what the cat is more litter boxes, messes, cat hair more vet, food, litter expense.
My cat required emergency surgery a few years earlier. I was quite poor then. I told the vet as I was crying holding my cat.... "if it is going to be over $300, go ahead and put him to sleep, I just dont have the money." The surgery was finished and the surgery was $275. I am certain it should have been twice that. I think they seen how I loved my cat and they are animal lovers themselves. Took me months to pay off that credit card. The cat lived another 3 years.
If you do decide to get another cat, DEFINITELY go to the shelter and rescue one. Either get 2 kittens (so they can entertain each other), or better get an older cat that is already well adjusted...maybe one that the owner loved so much but was moving to where they could not take it. You would be doing that older cat a HUGE favor. They are hard to adopt out compared to kittens.
SnakesInTheTower (of the "still grieving his cat" Sheep Class)
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!
I just lost my own special guy a month ago to an unspecified illness that caused his liver to fail. My heart goes out to you...
Aww - poor kitty.
In that situation I think you made the right call. It's horrible, but accidents happen. When your mom is ready I think she should get another cat from a shelter.
Oh no! I'm sorry!! My cat is my (animal) baby and I feel badly for your mom and you.
Snakes in the Tower- yeah, I know how you feel, I think. I still have hanging in my kitchen a big, framed photo of my cat Antoinette. I had to have her put to sleep three years ago, and I still miss that girl.
Everyone- My mom is in a really bad way right now. I had her stay at my place for a few hours last night, so she wouldn't have to go right back to an empty apartment right away. I apologize for being so angry in my earlier posts about her; I was frustrated because she wouldn't acknowledge how seriously ill her kitty was. I think it was wishful thinking on her part; she loved that cat more than you can imagine.
I'm helping her gather up any kitty stuff that can be used again, and we're boxing it up. One day, when she's feeling ready, I'll take her to the Humane Society, and she says she wants an older cat. I agree, kittens are so darn cute, they're easy to find homes for. But an older fella will end up sitting there forever.
Thanks again, everyone.
I am SO sorry for you and your mothers loss.
I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. My cat is constantly eating ribbon, strings and such. Most time I don't even know they are doing it until I see it in their waste. I knew it wasn't good for them and could kill them but sometimes they will find things that you would think was put up tight. I hope you mom can see it was not her fault.
{{{{{Hugs to you and your mom}}}}}