Scan of the latest "Questions From Readers"! You won't believe it!
by deaconbluez 28 Replies latest jw friends
Is this for real???
Glad I left when I did, cuz I am free from this crap.
he he estee, he caught you! lol I reacted the same way to his first one, until i looked at the photo shop . lol
I trully want to know why I'm so damn dumb that I keep falling for this? YOu had me again for a minute
ESTEE - this is a parody. Deacon has been putting these out all week!
Buying a boat could COST YOU EVERLASTING LIFE?
I guess RollerDave will have to dispense with the Aposta-cruiser.
Thanks for the "heads-up", guys.
But really, is deacon so far off? I've heard these kinds of things from the platform years ago, and thought to myself, "Surely this bro is speaking his own 'stuff.'" Guess I was already seeing the cracks in the structure of the borg . . .
Still glad I left.
Estee, he wasn't that far off, but it was just enough over the top so that I caught it.... beefsteaks please!
LMAO .33 Ramen noodles......
I love these things, they are a riot!
'how buying a boat can cost you your everlasting clearcoat'
Actually, under their doctrine, wouldn't buying some leaky tub and going to Davey Jones' Locker be an E-ticket to the new world?
Roller (of the 'apostate water-skiing team' sheep class)