Growing up, I never did. When I was in my 30's I started to say "funny"swears. Now, I do use some profanity but it is always controlled. Sometimes it can be "fun" or make a point.
Did You Use Swear Words While You Were A Witness?....How About Now?
by minimus 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hell yes I swear, always have
Somehow I put this under F'ing beliefs. What a *%^*# I am!
Yes, but usually to myself and when alone and angry at something. My wife and I would always say "bad" things for fun.
Now, I try not to in everyday speech and in public, I usually don't unless I'm really peeved or trying to make a point. I think they are funny/fun, but I try to be considerate of others. And sometimes they just sound *&^%*$ stupid and unnecessary.
Toward the end of my tenure as elder, when I'd give talks, I sometimes had to concentrate on not saying anything inappropriate.
I'll never forget the time I told my elder father whom I love dearly, I was an elder at the time as well, "F U!"
He apologized for acting in such a way so as to elicit such a response in me. The outcome was most favorable for both of us. He understood my frustration in a way that would not have been possible otherwise.
Yes, F U works quite nicely sometimes.
Yes, F U works quite nicely sometimes.
Very little room for misunderstanding. Right, minimus?