by: TruthOut writer William Pitt
Hyperbole has become fact: Before us all looms the possible destruction of America.
No, the nation isn't going to blow up on Monday if the Democrats in Congress fail to follow through. We won't fly into space or be swallowed up by the Earth's crust.
No, everything will look exactly the same after America dies. But everything will be different.
America is nothing more or less than an amalgamation of ideas, rights and freedoms. But Americans, in truth, have only those rights they can protect. A right is ink on a paper that has no force or power unless it is defended.
The early outlines of the American idea came from the tyrannical rule of the Stuart Monarchs and their claim of absolute power. These were the people who came up with star chambers, detention without trial, and they obeyed no laws they did not want to. Parliament was a joke to them. Sound familiar?
The other guy who started the idea was John Locke, who chronicled the tyranny of the Stuarts, and was part of the crew that finally threw them out. His books on the subject are basically the bedrock philosophy/blueprint Jefferson used to draft our founding documents. The founders get all the credit, but this republic owes its existence to the hubris of a king and the arguments of his foe.
Thwarting the possibility of an American tyrant was priority #1 for our founders. The rights were great, but would be useless before another Stuart-style monarch.
In short, and here's the ballgame: The rule of law must reign supreme and alone, and no person must ever be allowed to become greater than the law. This simple, radical rule is more vital to this country than the constitution, the bill of rights, or anything else besides. Without the supremacy of the rule of law, it's just a pile of old parchment waiting for the torch.
By declaring himself above and beyond the rule of law in this Executive Privilege thing, George W. Bush has committed the worst act of treason against this country in history. He is attempting to shatter the rule of law, and if he does, America is gone. It'll look the same, but your rights and mine, your constutition and mine, will be granted at the privilege of the monarch. Whatever other laws he has broken pale in comparison to this, because he is trying to murder the idea that is America, and since America is only an idea, he is a traitor beyond compare.
That's the deal for Monday. Oh, yeah, and they need to impeach this guy, Cheney, Gonzo, the ferns in the OEOB and the goddam water in the fountain on the White House lawn. A president who tries to destroy the rule of law in America is nothing more than a criminal of the worst kind, a thief who would steal from all of us that which is precious beyond compare.
Game up, Dems. You can save the rule of law by obeying it, you can save the process by following it, and if you wimp out, it will be your treason as well. Not that it will matter, because treason is against the law, and you will have allowed the rule of law to be rendered moot. An incredible principle of government will turn to dust, and history will damn you for all time.
This is Stalingrad.
Not. One. Step. Back.
Have a good weekend folks ;) Six out.