Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-22-07 WT Study (Elderly Blessing)

by blondie 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 7-22-07 WT Study (June 1, 2007, pages 26-30)(ELDERLY ONES--BLESSING TO THE YOUNG) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

    Bible translations
    WT publications
    WT child abuse
    Blood issue
    United Nations


    "Even until old age and gray-headedness, O God, do not leave me, until I may tell about your arm to the generation, to all those who are to come, about your mightiness.“-PSALM 71:18.


    How many elders qualify as to being called "older ones" in your congregation? Are you an older one? How many talk to you before/after the meetings? Do you associate often with people younger than you? Do they want to associate with you? Do you talk down to older people as if they are already one step into senility?

    The older ones the WTS wants the rank and file to see as a blessing are the GB members and their "helpers." Have the changing doctrines of blood transfusions and the future proved to be a "blessing" for "older ones"? Have older jws died because of not understanding the changes in WTS doctrine, especially in regard to blood transfusions?

    Should jws obey the GB just because they are old and knew Rutherford or lived through the days of doctrine that no longer exist today, such as who the superior authorities are?

    The final matter really is, does what they teach agree with the scriptures, regardless of the age of the teacher?


    Q1, 2) What should elderly servants of God appreciate, and what will we now consider?

    1) A Christian elder in West Africa visited an aged anointed brother and asked him, "How are you doing?" The brother responded, "I can run, I can skip, I can jump, and I can hop," attempting to act out his words as he said them. "But," he added, "I cannot fly." His intent was understood. `What I can do, I am glad to do, but what I cannot do, I do not do.' The elder who made that visit is now in his 80's, and he fondly remembers that brother's sense of humor and his loyalty.

    Christian elder--jw elder only

    Who decides what this old man can do, does he or do the elders and the WTS or the CO? Who decides that he can DO MORE by comparing him to other older people in the congregation or organization?

    "Sister OnHerDeathBed spends 40 hours a month telephoning others; you could certainly do that"

    2) The godly qualities that an older person manifests can make a long-lasting impression on others. Of course, age alone does not automatically produce wisdom and Christ-like qualities. (Ecclesiastes 4:13) The Bible states: "Gray-headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness." (Proverbs 16:31) If you are advanced in years, do you appreciate just how your words and actions can affect others beneficially? Consider some Bible examples that show the extent to which aged ones have been a real blessing to younger ones.

    Of course, age alone does not automatically produce wisdom and Christ-like qualities.

    Have the "older ones" you know in the organization been given homage based on number of years baptized or by their loving actions towards others. Have they been young gossips that grew into older gossips; have they been whiners who grew into older whiners; have they been judgmental and grown into older judgmental people; do their answers reflect deep bible research or do they still read the answer from the paragraph?

    [Picture on page 26] Abraham's endurance had a powerful effect on Isaac

    Faith With Far-Reaching Effects

    Q3) How has Noah's faithfulness affected all those now living?

    3) The faith and steadfastness of Noah produced benefits that are felt even to this day. Noah was approaching 600 years of age when he built the ark, gathered the animals, and preached to his neighbors. (Genesis 7:6; 2 Peter 2:5) Because of his godly fear, Noah, along with his family, survived the great Flood and became the ancestor of all people living on earth today. True, Noah lived when life spans in general were longer. Yet, even in his most advanced years, Noah remained faithful, and that resulted in significant blessings. How so?

    OT example for Christians--Noah (are they no NT examples of steadfastness?

    600 years of age based on the 80 years limit per the bible = 50 years old today (969 years oldest human)

    600/969 times 80 = 50 (so was Noah really that old...remember that Blondie is 55?)

    Q4) How has Noah's steadfastness benefited God's servants today?

    4) Noah was nearly 800 years old when Nimrod began engineering the Tower of Babel in defiance of Jehovah's command to "fill the earth." (Genesis 9:1; 11:1-9) Noah, however, had no part in Nimrod's rebellion. Thus, it is probable that his language was not changed when the rebels had their language confused. Noah's faith and steadfastness, seen not only in his old age but also throughout his long life, are truly worthy of imitation by God's servants of all ages.-Hebrews 11:7.

    Noah was nearly 800 years old(600/969 times 800 = 66 years old, barely retirement age)

    Nimrod--Noah's great grandson, where was Noah in the bible account of Nimrod?

    Noah, however, had no part in Nimrod's rebellion. Thus, it is probable that his language was not changed when the rebels had their language confused.

    This is how the WTS reasons that Hebrew is the original language of humans and will be the language in the "new system."

    *** si p. 306 par. 6 Study Number 5—The Hebrew Text of the Holy Scriptures ***What men today call the Hebrew language was, in its original form, the language that Adam spoke in the garden of Eden. For this reason it could be referred to as man’s language. It was the language spoken in Noah’s day, though with a growing vocabulary. In still further expanded form, it was the basic language that survived when Jehovah confused mankind’s speech at the Tower of Babel. (Gen. 11:1, 7-9)
    *** it-1 p. 1068 Hebrew, II ***The Bible is the only historical source giving reliable evidence of the origin of the language that we know as Hebrew. It was, of course, spoken by the Israelite descendants of “Abram the Hebrew” (Ge 14:13), who, in turn, was descended from Noah’s son Shem. (Ge 11:10-26) In view of God’s prophetic blessing on Shem (Ge 9:26), it is reasonable to believe that Shem’s language was not affected when God confused the language of the disapproved people at Babel. (Ge 11:5-9) Shem’s language would remain the same as it had been previously, the “one language” that had existed from Adam onward. (Ge 11:1) This would mean that the language that eventually came to be called Hebrew was the one original tongue of mankind. As stated, secular history knows no other.
    *** (Worldwide Government book) go chap. 1 p. 6 par. 4 The Next Rulership for All the Earth ***The world government takes away all language barriers between its subjects. National pride of language is wiped out. National distinctions are gone! No one is a citizen of this or that nation. All are world citizens, yes, citizens of one new world. The one language that they all speak for mutual understanding is the language recognized and used by the world government, the official language. It is mankind’s original language, which everybody on earth spoke for the first eighteen hundred years of human existence. That original language was developed to a high degree and it never did really die out, for a small minority of people persisted in its use, also the greatest book on earth preserving it.
    *** (Thousand Years Approached book) ka chap. 4 pp. 49-50 pars. 11-13 Kings for a Thousand Years Without Successors ***Likewise, the present-day language barrier on earth will be removed from mankind under the thousand-year reign of Christ and his 144,000 associate kings. God’s original purpose for the earth was that it should be comfortably filled with human creatures speaking one common language, the language of their first earthly father, the perfect man Adam. In the garden of Eden the human race started out with one language. After the planetary flood of Noah’s day, God gave mankind a fresh righteous start with one language, the language of righteous Noah, the tenth man in line of descent from Adam. That one language continued on down till the attempt at building the Tower of Babel.
    Then Almighty God broke up the unity of the builders who were combining their efforts in a bad work. How? It was by confusing the language and thus causing them to scatter as language groups to separate parts of the earth. (Genesis 11:1-9) In harmony with His original purpose, God will bring mankind as a whole back to the one family language, the language with which He endowed mankind’s first human father, only with a far larger vocabulary, possibly with embellishments from other languages that God invented at the Tower of Babel.
    For those who lived prior to the Flood, including the eight human survivors of that Noachian deluge, this will present no great problem at their resurrection from the dead to life on earth under God’s Millennial kingdom. But for the vast majority of the rest of mankind, it will mean learning a new language, the language God purposes for all humankind. In view of good language instructors used by the Kingdom, there should be no great problem on this account. Even resurrected babies can be taught the new language from infancy. In this way they will all be able to communicate with one another directly, with full understanding of one another’s language terms and expressions. What a unifying effect this will have on the human family! Think of their all being able to read the inspired Hebrew Scriptures, each one for himself, and to observe how all its prophecies have come true and how it also contains an accurate historical account down to the days of the prophet Malachi! Then the honest-hearted ones will be able to say, as did the apostle Paul: “Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar.”—Romans 3:4.

    Influence on the Family

    Q5, 6) (a) When Abraham was 75 years old, what did Jehovah tell him to do? (b) How did Abraham respond to God's command?

    5) The influence that elderly ones can have on the faith of their family members can be seen in the lives of the patriarchs after Noah. Abraham was about 75 years old when God said to him: "Go your way out of your country and from your relatives and from the house of your father to the country that I shall show you; and I shall make a great nation out of you and I shall bless you."-Genesis 12:1, 2.

    6) Imagine being told to leave your home, your friends, the country of your birth, and the security of your extended family to go to a land that you do not know. Abraham was told to do just that. He "went just as Jehovah had spoken to him," and for the rest of his life, he lived in tents as an alien and a migratory resident in the land of Canaan. (Genesis 12:4; Hebrews 11:8, 9) Though Jehovah had said that Abraham would become "a great nation," he died long before his offspring became numerous. Sarah, his wife, bore him but one son, Isaac, only after Abraham had sojourned in the land of promise for 25 years. (Genesis 21:2, 5) Yet, Abraham did not grow weary and return to the city from which he had come. What an example of faith and endurance!


    WTS term--move where the "need is great." How many jws have moved back that original moved to help? Did ill health make Abraham move back or the death of any relatives?

    lived in tents--not a Coleman tent though but luxurious living.

    OT examples--Sarah and Isaac

    Q7) What effect did Abraham's endurance have on his son Isaac, and with what result to mankind? 8. How did Jacob demonstrate strong faith, and with what effect?

    7) Abraham's endurance had a powerful effect on his son Isaac, who spent his entire life--180 years--as an alien resident in the land of Canaan. Isaac's endurance was based on faith in God's promise, faith that was instilled in him by his aged parents and later reinforced by Jehovah's own word to him. (Genesis 26:2-5) Isaac's steadfastness played a key role in the fulfillment of Jehovah's promise that a "seed" for the blessing of all mankind would come through the family of Abraham. Hundreds of years later, Jesus Christ, the primary part of that "seed," opened the way for all who exercise faith in him to be reconciled to God and to enjoy everlasting life.-Galatians 3:16; John 3:16.

    OT example for Christians--Abraham (no example of Christians moving away from hearth and home?)

    75 years old--compared to his total lifetime of 175 years = 32 years old really

    Jesus Christ, primary part of that "seed"--only 1 of 144,001 per the WTS. Diminishes his role greatly. Those on earth today can only approach Christ through the jw remnant of the 144,000 still on earth about 8,700 plus (per the WTS).

    *** w06 7/1 p. 19 They Delight to Do God’s Will ***Like a shepherd calling out from behind a flock of sheep, Jehovah is behind his people, giving them direction through “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Isaiah 30:21; Matthew 24:45-47)
    *** w05 9/15 p. 23 par. 11 Go On Walking as Jesus Christ Walked ***Yes, Jesus Christ leads his followers today through the holy spirit, “the faithful and discreet slave,” and the congregation elders.
    *** w92 3/1 p. 20 The Day to Remember ***Like the queen of Sheba, these have come from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of the Greater Solomon, Christ Jesus—channeled to them through “the faithful and discreet slave.”—Matthew 24:45-47.

    CARROT--to enjoy everlasting life.

    8) Isaac, in turn, helped his son Jacob to cultivate strong faith that sustained him into his old age. Jacob was 97 when he wrestled with an angel all night long for a blessing. (Genesis 32:24-28) Before he died at the age of 147, Jacob summoned enough strength to bless each of his 12 sons. (Genesis 47:28) The prophetic words that he uttered, now recorded at Genesis 49:1-28, proved true and are still undergoing fulfillment.

    OT example for Christians--Isaac (no example of Christians with strong faith?) Total lifetime,

    *** it-1 p. 1216 Isaac ***Isaac was weaned at about 5, was as good as offered up as a sacrifice at perhaps 25, was married at 40, became father to twin sons at 60, and died at the age of 180.

    OT example for Christians--Jacob(no example of Christians who received extraordinary blessings?)

    The prophetic words that he uttered, now recorded at Genesis 49:1-28, proved true and are still undergoing fulfillment.

    But not on literal Israel but the WTS identified 144,000 anointed spiritual Israelites of which on 8,700 plus of the jws remain on earth today.

    *** w96 9/1 p. 14 par. 4 The Law of the Christ ***Who would be taken into this new covenant? Certainly not the literal “house of Israel,” who rejected the Mediator of this covenant. (Hebrews 9:15) No, this new “Israel” would be the “Israel of God,” a nation of spiritual Israelites. (Galatians 6:16; Romans 2:28, 29)
    *** re chap. 19 p. 117 par. 11 Sealing the Israel of God ***Could this not be a reference to literal, fleshly Israel? No, for Revelation 7:4-8 diverges from the usual tribal listing. (Numbers 1:17, 47) Obviously, the listing here is not for the purpose of identifying fleshly Jews by their tribes but to show a similar organizational structure for spiritual Israel. This is balanced. There are to be exactly 144,000 members of this new nation—12,000 from each of 12 tribes. No tribe in this Israel of God is exclusively royal or priestly. The whole nation is to rule as kings, and the whole nation is to serve as priests.—Galatians 6:16; Revelation 20:4, 6.

    Q9) What can be said about the influence that spiritually mature older ones have on their family?

    9) Clearly, aged loyal servants of God can have a wholesome influence on their family members. Scriptural instruction combined with the voice of experience and an example of endurance can make a real difference in determining whether a young person will grow up with solid faith. (Proverbs 22:6) Older ones should never underestimate the powerful force for good that they can be to their family.

    Clearly--jw term meaning you have sufficient "proof" to accept their interpretation now.

    aged loyal servants of God--only jws and Where's Jesus?

    Older ones--ones, ones, ones; only jws

    Influence on Fellow Worshippers

    Q10) What was Joseph's "command concerning his bones," and what was its effect?

    10) Older ones can also be a good influence on fellow believers. In his old age, Jacob's son Joseph performed a simple act of faith that had a profound effect on millions of true worshippers who lived after him. He was 110 when "he gave a command concerning his bones," namely, that when the Israelites finally left Egypt, they were to take his bones with them. (Hebrews 11:22; Genesis 50:25) That command served as an added ray of hope for Israel during the many years of hard slavery that followed Joseph's death, providing assurance that their deliverance would come.

    Still another OT example for Christians--Joseph

    fellow believers--only jws

    [Picture on page 28] Moses' mature counsel encouraged Joshua

    Q11) What influence did aged Moses likely have on Joshua?

    11) Among those nourished by Joseph's expression of faith was Moses. When Moses was 80, he was privileged to carry Joseph's bones up out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 13:19) About that time, he came in contact with Joshua, who was much younger. For the next 40 years, Joshua served as Moses' personal attendant. (Numbers 11:28) He accompanied Moses up Mount Sinai and was on hand to meet Moses when he descended from the mountain with the tablets of the Testimony. (Exodus 24:12-18; 32:15-17) What a wellspring of mature counsel and wisdom aged Moses must have been to Joshua!

    OT example--Moses; 80 years old out of 120 total = 60 years old

    OT example--Joshua

    Did Joshua though copy Moses' example of a bad temper; did he support Moses at that time?

    Q12) How did Joshua prove to be a force for good to the nation of Israel for as long as he lived?

    12) Joshua, in turn, imparted encouragement to the nation of Israel for as long as he lived. Judges 2:7 tells us: "The people continued to serve Jehovah all the days of Joshua and all the days of the older men who extended their days after Joshua and who had seen all of Jehovah's great work that he did for Israel." With the death of Joshua and the other older men, however, there began a 300-year period of vacillation between true worship and false, leading up to the days of Samuel the prophet.

    300 year period of vacillation--the equivalent of the "tacking" of the WTS.

    *** w81 12/1 pp. 26-27 pars. 1-2 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter *** THE light on the pathway of Jehovah’s servants from earliest times to the present has kept on increasing. This has been even more so since that notable year 1914 when, as developments here on earth showed, “the kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord [Jehovah] and of his Christ.” (Rev. 11:15) Light from God’s Word has flashed forth, like the sunshine on “a morning without clouds” to illuminate ever more clearly the pathway that Jehovah’s servants must tread.—2 Sam. 23:3, 4.
    However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as “tacking.” By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds. And that goal in view for Jehovah’s servants is the “new heavens and a new earth” of God’s promise.—2 Pet. 3:13.

    How does that explain the 180 degree flipflop doctrines of the WTS; two examples are

    Organ transplants:
    to 1967--conscience matter
    1967--1980--disfellowshipping matter
    1980-present--conscience matter

    Superior Authorities of Romans 131879 to 1929--secular authorities
    1929 to 1962--God and Jesus
    1962 to present--secular authorities

    (people of Sodom and Gomorrah resurrected?) (rape)

    Do you know of any others?

    Another OT example--Samuel

    Samuel "Effected Righteousness"

    Q13) What did Samuel do to `effect righteousness'?

    13) The Bible does not say how old Samuel was when he died, but events in the book of First Samuel cover about 102 years, and Samuel witnessed most of them. At Hebrews 11:32, 33, we read that upright judges and prophets "effected righteousness." Yes, Samuel influenced some of his contemporaries to avoid or abandon wrongdoing. (1 Samuel 7:2-4) By what means? He was loyal to Jehovah throughout his life. (1 Samuel 12:2-5) He was not afraid to give strong counsel even to the king. (1 Samuel 15:16-29) In addition, Samuel, having "grown old and gray," proved himself exemplary in praying with regard to others. He declared it "unthinkable ... to sin against Jehovah by ceasing to pray" in behalf of his fellow Israelites.-1 Samuel 12:2, 23.

    Did Samuel "effect righteousness" in any of his sons?

    (1 Samuel 8:1-3) 8 And it came about that as soon as Samuel had grown old he made appointments of his sons as judges for Israel. 2 Now the name of his firstborn son happened to be Joel, and the name of his second A·bi'jah; they were judging in Be'er-she'ba. 3 And his sons did not walk in his ways, but they were inclined to follow unjust profit and would accept a bribe and pervert judgment.

    Although not the "anointed king" of God, Samuel "was not afraid to give strong counsel even to the king." Should non-anointed today be afraid to "counsel" the WTS/FDS/GB?

    Q14, 15) How might elderly ones today imitate Samuel in the matter of prayer?

    14) All of this highlights an essential way that aged ones can exert an influence for good on fellow servants of Jehovah. Despite limitations imposed by health or other circumstances, those advanced in years can pray in behalf of others. Older ones, do you appreciate just how much your prayers benefit the congregation? Because of your faith in Christ's shed blood, you enjoy an approved standing before Jehovah, and because of your record of endurance, your faith has acquired a "tested quality." (James 1:3; 1 Peter 1:7) Never forget: "A righteous man's supplication, when it is at work, has much force."-James 5:16.

    fellow servants of Jehovah--only jws; Where's Jesus?

    pray in behalf of others--in private or publicly, which is more important. Why then is praying in the congregation considered a "privilege" withheld from all women unless no baptized male is present? If only baptized males "on restrictions" are present, who prays then?

    Christ's shed blood--once again Jesus is mentioned only as a tool.

    15) Your prayers in support of Jehovah's Kingdom work are needed. Some of our brothers are in prison on account of their Christian neutrality. Others have fallen victim to natural disasters, wars, and civil strife. Still others, right in our own congregations, are facing temptations or opposition. (Matthew 10:35, 36) Those taking the lead in the preaching work and in overseeing congregations also need your regular prayers in their behalf. (Ephesians 6:18, 19; Colossians 4: 2, 3) How good it is that you mention fellow believers in your prayers, as Epaphras did! -Colossians 4:12.

    Jehovah's Kingdom--Where's Jesus? Where is Christ's or the Messianic Kingdom?

    Kingdom work--only the preaching of jws has any value in God's eyes per the WTS.

    our brothers--only male jws; no women in prison?

    our own congregations--only jws

    overseeing--not "serving" the congregation, over not under in humility.

    Pray for the elders to follow the bible in all that they do, not WTS policies and doctrines that have no scriptural backing except Matthew 24:45-47, the WESAYSO doctrine of the FDS/GB.

    fellow believers--only jws

    What is/was the rule about mentioning "fellow believers" in prayers at the KH in your area? Must be well known and in "good standing" to be mentioned? Some mentioned others not making it a popularity contest?

    Teaching the Generation to Come

    Q16, 17) What was foretold at Psalm 71:18, and how has this come true?

    16) Association with faithful ones of the "little flock," those with the heavenly calling, has provided essential training for those of the "other sheep," who have the hope of living forever on earth. (Luke 12:32; John 10:16) This was foretold at Psalm 71:18, which reads: "Even until old age and grayheadedness, O God, do not leave me, until I may tell about your arm to the generation, to all those who are to come, about your mightiness." Spirit-anointed ones have been eager to train their other sheep companions for increased responsibilities before leaving them to be glorified along with Jesus Christ.

    CARROT: hope of living forever on the earth

    "Essential training" is available only through the "little flock" who are found only among jws per the WTS.

    *** w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible—A Book Meant to Be Understood *** Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

    Train their other sheep companions for increased responsibilities--Known in WTS vocabulary as the "given ones" or the "Nethinim," non-anointed jw men taking over the duties of the GB on earth.

    given ones

    Non-{anointed} assistants to the {Governing Body} who, beginning on May 1, 1992, have been sharing in the meetings of Governing Body Committees, and receiving assignments aimed at helping to carry out the work of the Governing Body. The term is scripturally derived. The work of these men is comparable to that of the Nethinim and the sons of the servants of Solomon who returned from Babylonian exile with the Jewish remnant. (See [w92 4/15 12-17], and the ``Announcement'' on page 31.)

    "Other sheep" will not be glorified with Jesus Christ per the WTS which is why Jesus is not important in this material, written for the non-anointed.

    [Picture on page 29] Your prayers in behalf of others can accomplish much good

    17) In principle, what Psalm 71:18 says about instructing "those who are to come" could also be applied to the other sheep, who have received instruction from God's anointed ones. Jehovah has entrusted older ones with the privilege of testifying about him to those who are now embracing true worship. (Joel 1:2, 3) The other sheep feel blessed for what they have learned from anointed ones and are impelled to share their Scriptural education with still others who desire to serve Jehovah.-Revelation 7: 9,10.

    COULD also be applied to the other sheep--proof?!?

    Translation: the other sheep SHOULD feel blessed for what they have learned from anointed ones and SHOULD be impelled to share...desire to serve JEHOVAH (where's JESUS?).

    [Picture on page 30] Young people benefit by listening to faithful older ones

    Q18, 19) (a) What precious information can many older servants of Jehovah impart? (b) Of what should elderly Christians be confident?

    18) Older servants of Jehovah, both anointed ones and those of the other sheep, are a living link to important historical events. A few still living were on hand for the original showings of the "Photo-Drama of Creation." Some personally knew the brothers taking the lead who were imprisoned in 1918. Others participated in broadcasts on the Watchtower radio station, WBBR. Many can tell about the time when cases involving the religious freedom of Jehovah's Witnesses were fought in the highest courts. Still others stood firm for true worship while living under dictatorial regimes. Yes, older ones can relate how the understanding of truth has been progressively revealed. The Bible encourages us to benefit from this wealth of experience.-Deuteronomy 32:7.

    older servants of Jehovah--only jws

    living link to important historical events

    Such as, the fact that the WTS taught that 1874 was the beginning of Christ's presence until 1943, not consistely from 1879 onward?

    Do those with links to 1918, tell you that the WT told members to pray for peace trying to appease the government re their so-called neutrality stand.

    *** w55 5/1 p. 267 Part 9—Postwar Revival of the Witnesses *** The Watch Tower encouraging its readers to set aside May 30, 1918, as a day of prayer and supplication as requested by the American Congress on April 2 and as proclaimed by President Wilson May 11, their tendering of compliments to governments of this world, and their dabbling in nonreligious enterprises.

    can relate how the understanding of truth has been progressively revealed

    Do they tell you how 1975 was promoted by the those in charge in the WTS, not just "weak" rank and file members?

    19) Elderly Christians are urged to be good examples to the younger ones. (Titus 2:2-4) Perhaps now you do not see the effect that your endurance, prayers, and counsel has on others. Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and others could not possibly have known the full impact of their faithfulness on the generations to come. Yet, their legacy of faith and integrity mattered greatly; so does yours.

    elderly Christians--only jws are true Christians

    OT examples: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses

    Where are the female examples?

    Q20) What blessings await those who maintain their hope firm to the end?

    20) Whether you are preserved through the "great tribulation" or you are brought back by resurrection, what a delight it will be to experience "the real life"! (Matthew 24:21; 1 Timothy 6:19) Imagine the time during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ when Jehovah will reverse the effects of old age. Rather than experiencing relentless deterioration of our bodies, we will awaken each day to progressive physical improvements--more energy, sharper vision, keener hearing, better looks! (Job 33:25; Isaiah 35:5, 6) Those who are blessed to live in God's new world will always be young in comparison with the eternity yet to be experienced. (Isaiah 65:22) May all of us, therefore, maintain our hope firm to the end and continue to serve Jehovah whole-souled. We can be confident that Jehovah will fulfill all that he has promised and that what he will do will far exceed any expectations we may have.-Psalm 37:4; 145:16.

    The real point of this article, how to deal with the dismay of many jw members who are dying before the end comes despite WTS promises to the contrary?

    Whether you are preserved through the "great tribulation" or you are brought back by resurrection, what a delight it will be to experience "the real life"! (Matthew 24:21; 1 Timothy 6:19)


    The WTS teaches that people will be resurrected at the age they died at and gradually grow young..................!

    CARROT: always be young...eternity

    whole-souled: per WTS parameters

    serve Jehovah--Where's Jesus?

    Far exceed any expectations we have have--of living through the great tribulation without ever dying

    How Would You Answer?

    • How did the steadfastness of aged Noah result in blessings for all mankind?
    • What effect did the faith of the patriarchs have on their descendants?
    • In their advanced years, how did Joseph, Moses, Joshua, and Samuel strengthen fellow worshippers?
    • What legacy can older ones pass on?


    The next 2 articles are for 7/22 and 7/29: We are "Wonderfully Made" and "Jehovah Values Your Obedience." I wonder how those 2 topics are connected? Obey Jehovah = obey WTS/FDS/GB theme.

    Summer is flying away. Fests are popping up all over xjwdom. We are enjoying the fruits and vegetables from our garden and that of others. We are now starting the canning frenzy to capture the taste of summer in glass jars. What about you?

    Love, Blondie

  • Gopher

    Thanks for this commentary, Blondie!

    A few still living were on hand for the original showings of the "Photo-Drama of Creation." Some personally knew the brothers taking the lead who were imprisoned in 1918. Others participated in broadcasts on the Watchtower radio station, WBBR.

    Yes many old ones were there to see Rutherford make an "ass" of himself with the 1925 "Millions now living will never die" fiasco, the new order was coming and they thought they'd see Abraham and David any moment. Some were there when the publication "Children" was released telling young ones to avoid getting married because the end was just months away. Yes, you JW's, appreciate your spiritual heritage !!

    Many can tell about the time when cases involving the religious freedom of Jehovah's Witnesses were fought in the highest courts.

    Ah - the good old days when Jehovah used his organization to establish freedom of speech in America. Without JW's there would be no freedom of speech here. Now the Watchtower lawyers don't fight for such noble causes, instead they fight to protect their member-pedophiles. Sad how times have changed.

    Still others stood firm for true worship while living under dictatorial regimes.

    The Society here is reminiscing about the good old days, when JW's actually cared enough to go through persecution on behalf of the WT Society (thinking they were doing it for Jehovah -- ha, how they were fooled). Now JW's wouldn't want to put up with jail time, heck the organization has a hard enough time just getting them to go out in the ministry with those sad-rag mags.

    The WTS better care about the elderly. As time goes on their membership is getting more and more elderly.


    17) In principle, what Psalm 71:18 says about instructing "those who are to come" could also be applied to the other sheep, who have received instruction from God's anointed ones. Jehovah has entrusted older ones with the privilege of testifying about him to those who are now embracing true worship. (Joel 1:2, 3) The other sheep feel blessed for what they have learned from anointed ones and are impelled to share their Scriptural education with still others who desire to serve Jehovah.-Revelation 7: 9,10.

    Yeah!.....Yeah!.....Yeah!.....The other sheep are really blessed learning from the anointed ones! We learned that 1914 came and went,1975 was ''our fault'' for reading into things,how the generation teaching keeps on changing,the ''anointed'' numbers have increased,the blood policy keeps on changing and other numerous rules and regulations changes. We really are impelled to share these with others who desire to serve Jehovah.

    Blondie Thank you for your hard work!

  • flipper

    Blondie, Mr. Flipper here. Liked your comments! I always have to laugh when the governing body promises these people that" what they have now is nothing compared to what they"ll have in the real life in the paradise". So this life is a dry run, right? What the hell is this,a fake life? Personally I like my REAL life very much, thank you very much and intend to use it in a good way making happiness for others and myself. It's so weird this thought they have, it totally keeps them from living in the here and now. I do feel for my dad 82 and mom 80, who have been in the witnesses since 1951. Like you said the watchtower is printing this garbage to make older ones feel like all is not lost as they"re dying off. It's so sad! How evil of that organization to promise all this false junk to people when it's not in their power to promise them one damn thing! I could go on and on! Peace to you, thanks for your thread, Mr. Flipper

  • Atlantis


    Thank you Blondie!

    Obey Jehovah = obey WTS/FDS/GB theme.

    How very true according to the WT!

    Atlantis & Nevada-

  • nvrgnbk

    Thank you blondie.

  • Santisimo

    If the elderly are such a blessing, why is it that the WTS can't pay the elderly bethelites a pension or at least contribute to some retirement fund? If the elderly are so important, why doesn't the WTS contribute to the welfare of their elderly pioneers/publishers? I have yet to hear about ANY charitable contribution made by the WTS, let alone for the elderly.

  • blondie

    Good comments. It looks like Blondie will continue to have access to the study articles. There is so many still "in" that are willing to keep me in the know. Thanks to all my secret and not secret admirers.


  • greendawn

    Are the elite elder ones the members of the GB a blessing to the younger JWs? They are certainly not but they are rather a curse to them since they constantly exploit their naivity to deceive, manipulate and exploit them.

    Being such hypocrites they shouldn't be advising about this issue. The same goes for numerous other issues where they don't follow the advise they give.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Thank you Blondie for all you hard work.

    By reading your "comments" before I go to the robotic arm pumping session, I'm made aware of where the biggest "whoppers" are in the lesson.

    If I don't happen to have updated JWD material on my palm pilot to read, then I'll just make it a point to look around in a vain attempt to see if there's ever any looks of puzzlement or consternation when we get to a real logic "whopper". Usually it's just boredom and blank stares.

    Thanks again blondie,

    Open Mind

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