by badboy 16 Replies latest jw friends
My first one. I was with my hubby and a younger guy who was working with us because we were new at it. I finally got brave and decided to "take a door" and offer a tract, something like 'Does God Really Rule the World?'. Well, fortunately the guy at the door was nice and I'm sure he could tell I was nervous. After I said a few things, I thought I should get to the point as to why this info was important. So I said "This is important, because Satan is out to get us." Then I went totally blank and wanted to get swallowed up by the sidewalk. The guy smiled and said "OK" and took the tract. I said "Have a nice day" and left.
I was with an elder (lol), and went through my rubbish presentation like every time.
But he (the guy at the door) took them and just stared at me...I thought he was going to say something, and he thought I was going to say something :P .
We stood there for a full 10 seconds and he said "Are you done?"
I said "yep" and we got outta there, never went back (I always said I'd take it as a return visit, then never go back. That's how I fought back at the religion ;) ) . -
BlackSwan of Memphis
"Hello my name is Blackswan and this is my friend Aux Pioneer....<<looks at magazine I hadn't read yet because I just got it the night before and stayed up late drinking a beer and watching Simpsons>> and we are in your neighborhood today....<<looks at mag again for title>> offering the latest copies of the Watchtower and Awake magazine. It's about <<rattles off title>>. Would you be interested?"
Generally I could pick up a better line then that, but...Simpsons came first.
BlackSwan- You stole my script!!!
I was showing someone the magazines, the different sections, I came to Watching the World and said how great they were cuz you could read a little bit and be up on things to talk about, Then I said.....Well, I haven't read this Mag, but I know its good, would you like one?
I placed it!!
How could he refuse*flutters lashes*
I once went to the door with a publisher that was so nervous that he said we had the "Waketower and the Watch" magazines... needless to say the poor guy didn't put the address in his call book or EVER return.
Madame Quixote
Me and my sister:
"Sir, do you like good news . . ."
"Hell, no!!!"
Door slams loudly.
Two stupefied young girls stand gawking at a stranger's doorway in rural North Carolina.
The end.
I was about 8 years old and called on this home and read about the only scripture I knew at the time, Ps. 83.18. The folks there started talking about hell fire and read some scripture to me that I couldn't debate. I went back to the car crying. They were the parents of 4 kids I went to school with. One of the boys picked on me in school some years later and we had a fight, the only fight I ever had. I guess they know if they were right now, about hell, they are all dead.
Ken P.