Need dating advice

by KatyH81 13 Replies latest social relationships

  • KatyH81

    After fading away I have decided to try dating in the "world". I've tried the online thing for awhile and I'm not getting anywhere. Other than Bars and clubs, where else can I go or what else can I do to get a date. I'm so very tired of spending my nights at home. HELP!!

  • Spectre

    Start a thread on JWD entitled: HEY!!! ANY GUYS HERE FROM ALABAMA?

  • collegegirl21

    You can just try running into people in random places. I met my ex-fiance on the way into a fitting room at a department store. I've also done speed dating... its interesting, but its like going on 20 dates in one night... you can meet plenty of people that way :).

  • nvrgnbk

    Anywhere you meet people.

    Gas station.

    Grocery store.

    Post office.




    You get the idea.

  • kerj2leev

    I hear nvr is pretty hot!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Nvr is hot? To say the least!!! I'd hit it.

  • UnConfused

    To improve your chances also try the Police Station, Detention Release Center (those guys just getting out are...well you know), School for the Blind, Sexual Addicts Anonymous.....and finally practice the line "Hey Honey, need a date?" and walk around the intersections and holler that out.

    Let us know

  • jgnat

    Start a hobby or join a club that you like where you have a fairly good chance to meet guys. Like, join a singles bowling league, ballroom dancing, or canoeing.

    I picked fine art, which was dumb.

  • free2think

    kerj2leev and WAC is there something you wanna tell the class???

    Katy i know what you mean, it is hard. But thats great advice from everyone, aprart from unconfused's of course.

  • blondie

    The important thing is to be settled in your heart about leaving; truly to know who you are and where you are going, what do you have to give and what do you need as well.

    I like Janet's suggestions. I met my husband at work where I was able to see how he interacted with people. I liked what I saw and other older, happily married women, said that they felt he would make a good friend, husband, and supporter.

    And so he has been...for 16 plus years.

    (Don't date your supervisor though)

    Love, Blondie

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