Going to anoher church?

by KatyH81 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LittleToe

    Shopaholic:You partially quoted MQ. I could not in good conscience recommened that someone religiously inclined should simply remain a JW!

    I recommend that folks try out church a couple of times merely for the reason that it helps break down the psychological barriers and indoctrination emplaced by the WTS, Church is nowhere near as bad as they made out, and demons are not waiting behind every pew to jump out at you.

    Give it a shot - the only thing to lose is an hour or so of your time. The gain can be even more liberty than you previously held!

  • shopaholic


    I'm by know means recommending that anyone remain a JW. I guess right now I'm just kind of done with religion as a whole. Once some of the bitterness wears off maybe it will be a different a story. There has been temptation to visit a couple of churches but I tell myself that I need time to heal and sort things out. As far as being a witness goes, I was the real deal. Regular pioneered for many years (till this past October)...gave up numerous opportunities to do more. I had my doubts for many years and thought if I tried a little harder, if I did a little more (like serve in another country) the doubts would go away. Then things just starting happening that blatently said "Girl, you've been bamboozled". (I'll give examples when I right my bio..I don't want to highjack the thread.) I even tried to ignore these things and kept right in tow then in all of a sudden everything came to a head and I simply decided I was DONE.

    I may not always feel that way and I'm sure one day I will give church a try but I'm a little too bitter and cynical right now to take it seriously. Hopefully this isn't considered highjacking the thread but I just gotta say this...I love people...I love to help people...not only spiritually but practically as well. So when I go on a return visit and I know the person is looking for job and from our conversation I got some idea of their skill set...what's wrong with giving them spiritual food with one hand and then the classifieds with jobs already circled that might be a good match for them. Or what's wrong with dropping of a box of canned goods at shelter for battered women every now and then? When I'm told we are in a preaching work and not in a social work...I have issues with that...always have...always will. So no interest here in staying a JW...there's no practical assistance to community...which in contrast is what's somewhat appealling about some churches, is that they have social programs...sometimes I think I should just join the Peace Corp.

    So KatyH81, if you want to give church a try...go right ahead...I think you might feel a little weirded out at first. I went to church one time for a funeral (to be with my Dad, a non-witness) and the rest of my witness family waited outside. It felt strange at first but LittleToe is right, there were no demons behind the pews and the sermon was real crack-up kinda like something you see on TV.

  • emptywords

    I find reading the bible the only sane way I can cope at the moment, and being with non religious or athiest folk.

  • jgnat

    I never went through the JW pressure cooker, so my perspective is a little different. I don't get the same "triggers" that a JW gets, walking in to a service. MeneMene's succinct descriptions reminded me of a tongue-in-cheek church rating service. You might enjoy reading some of these accounts first, to get a taste how different individual congregations may be. There is very little homogenity outside the witnesses!


    My tip is that you are NOT required to conform. If someone invites you out to a bible study group or social event, there are no strings attached. Feel free to just say 'no' if anything makes you uncomfortable.

    My first impressions, walking in to a Kingdom Hall, is that they are run much more like a business meeting than a church service. Similarly, they tend to use songs and prayer as a method of crowd control (especially at the conventions) rather than as a deeply spiritual experience. Music is canned.

    The most unusual aspect of the Witness meeting (besides the stunning same-ness) is the sales rehearsals on stage. Now, those raised my eyebrows, and gave me my first clue that I might have walked in on a door-to-door publishing empire, rather than a religious organization.

  • Junction-Guy

    I attend probably the most fundamentally conservative church of anyone on this board, yet the freedoms I enjoy there are light years ahead of the kingdom hell. I would recommend any ex-jw to seek out different churches and enjoy the experience.

  • barry

    My first wife studied with the witnesses before we were married and when I invited her to my church she shook like a leaf. I couldnt understand this because I had been used to going to other churches all my life and I didnt have that type of behaviour.

    So from my experiance i can understand what some witnesses must go through visiting another church.

  • Arthur

    I have bounced back and forth between two non-denominational churches. Both churches have been good experiences. Both of them are racially diverse and upbeat. The smaller one of the two has a more close-knit family like atmosphere, and the pastors are very warm and down to earth.

    Having been born and raised in the Watchtower, I came to see that the JW thinking regarding "Christendom" is naively ill-informed, and way off base.

  • Hortensia

    When I faded, years ago, I visited a lot of churches. As Little Toe said, to break down psychological barriers. I felt rather daring, but as I wasn't struck down by lightening, I relaxed. I found I didn't relate to any of them, I just plain don't like religion and that's all there is to it! I don't believe in any of their dogma, I certainly don't believe the Bible is anything more than a historical relic. I am a lot happier the way I am now, without religion.

  • BCberean

    Last week I went to a tent meeting...when the pastor asked for us to go to a scripture(finally!!) I beat him to it...I had to deal with my own 'snotty sense of superiority.'

    Last nite I went to the alliance church...good message from the psalms....BUT....STOPPED SINGING...when the TRINITY and HEAVEN and SAINTS were mentioned.

    Big SIGH....I'm thinking about the Salvation Army...I used to play the trumpet.

  • moshe

    I went to churches after getting out, but then it was no big deal as I had went to a church growing up. I found out that it was better not to mention that I had ever been a JW when I visited a church. The only thing worse would be to say, " I had a sex change operation last year, how do you like my 36DD breasts?"

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