I remember one lady I spoke to at the door about 25 years ago that really bummed me out. She was polite and listened to my canned WT message and then she asked me a simple question. " Are you happy being a JW?" Well, I said something to the effect that I was happy. But she must have read my face as she came back with, " Well, I can tell you are not happy and you need to stop lying about it." That really set me back as I WAS lying about it. I closed my bookbag and left for new doors and less astute householders, but my day was ruined. I credit that householder with getting me to think about my situation and I began to seriously consider leaving the KH. It took about five more years before I made the break. If I would have had a supportive and open wife I would have left sooner.
Did a householder ever ruin your day of service?
by moshe 13 Replies latest jw experiences
I think the easiest way a householder can ruin my day is for them to ask questions. They never seem to run out of them, and it seems to be leading to a study. For those calls to run on an hour or more is torture. And it's worse if the call happens when I am close to time to quit or we are almost out of things to do and the day is going to get cut short. That ruins my day when a call runs on killing my hope of a shortened day in service. Worse than rude householders. Worse than dogs. Worse than doors slammed in the face.
people here are very sociable, so, i would love it when they would talk to you about anything but the watchtowers. i met alot of cool people in service. i would hate when i was with someone that kept trying to preach to them even though you could tell they weren't interested and just wanted to talk. but, i've heard and seen householders get mad, and yell and curse people out, these never ruined my day, in fact, i thought it was funny. lol
I had a bucket of water thrown down at me from a unit as I walked up the side, it was a hot day so I guess wasn't to bad.
I also had what I thought was a really go prospect for a study, I was working on my own and this young women asked me in, she was really friendly and we continued our bible discussion in a friendly conversation, she made me tea and said to come sit out in her back yard, spread a blanket and we sat down debating doctrine looking up scriptures and as we talked I looked at her and imagined her being baptised, was a great morning, then it hit 12 noon, she looked at her watch and said " well you can get up and leave, I was gobbed smacked, she said I have kept you here most of the morning at least you I stopped you spreading youre poison and further. She was a born again.
empty, that story is awesome. i'd like to meet that woman. she sounds cool.
Whenever they brought arguments that I could not answer and made me look like a fool, that ruined my day though eventually some of these objections helped me find out the truth about the FDS.
Eg why don't they help out their own needy members such as widows when they have billions of dollars worth of wealth. The early church was as a rule very charitable but the FDS is not though he claims to be faithfully copying the life and actions of the early church.
c'mon greendawn, you know jehovah is providing for those poor widows.
moshe: What a wonderful thing that woman did for you!. The power of a simple question.... I'll have to keep that question in mind for "certain ones".
As soon as they opened the door!
keyser soze
The last time I auxilary pioneered, we were working in a trailer park (a depressing prospect in itself). But I was having a fairly good morning. I had just placed magazines at the last house, when a man who was walking by told me to "get a job instead of pestering people". I had encountered people like this in the ministry many times before, but for some reason this stuck with me. It was the first time that it really dawned on me how much of an annoyance we really were to people, that even the ones who listened and took the magazines didn't really want us at their door. I didn't like service to begin with, but from that point on it was such a challenge to even get myself to go out. I was already having doubts about the organization, so shortly after that I stopped going out altogether.