Missing Bible Verses

by WTWizard 4 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    We have all heard of whole books missing from the Bible. St Augustine, when assembling the Bible for his cult (which became our Catholic church), took the books that he could use for threatening people with hellfire) to get them to do his bidding. It, besides plunging man into the first Dark Ages, produced the 66 books that we know as the Holy Bible. Undoubtedly, many more books are around. Manuscripts of many have been found, but to this day the theologans refuse to put them in the Bible for fear that it will ruin mainstream religions.

    Now, how many people have read the New World Translation of the "Holy" Scriptures and found a dash where a verse was? We (on this board) know of many places where a letter or punctuation mark was altered to create new meaning of the sentences. What I noticed was that there are many places where the whole verse is missing, but there is a number. When I look it up in the King James version, the verse is there! And, if put in context with the remaining scripture, actually undermines the Watchtower doctrine.

    Why else would they do that, if not to tamper with evidence and secure the illusion of having The Truth? This is a minor version of St Augustine, who threw whole books out to support his doctrine. But it is no less significant. And, the Witlesses have the audacity to claim that those verses were spurious! They are in the King James version, and the Witlesses have claimed that the King James version has more than 20,000 errors in it. This means there are 20,000 potential embarrassments for the Watchtower Society that would undermine some doctrine that they have pushed.

    Anyone else noticed those ever-present dashes? Perhaps you were reading a paragraph, and there was material missing that should have been there. And reading it with the missing material taken out seems to not make sense, as if there is a break in the continuity of the story. This was done to alter the meaning--no excuse.

  • Dragonlady76

    I remember that JW's used to get very uncomfortable if the were asked to use a regular (non JW bible), so much so that while preaching several times householders would comment that the JW bible was altered and refused to use it, my dad would get very defensive and tell me that the society had not altered the bible, just made it easier to use. <-----In other words it was altered.

  • Narkissos

    As to "missing books," you might be interested to learn a bit more on the history of the canon, and find that the 66-book Bible owes little to Augustine and early Christianity in general, and much more to the Protestant Reformers alignment on the Jewish (i.e., Pharisaic-Rabbinical) canon in the 16th century.

    As to "missing verses" (mostly in the Gospels), the explanation lies in the history of 19th-century textual criticism of the NT, which found the corresponding passages to be later additions (mostly due to intertextuality, i.e. adding a sentence from another Gospel in a similar context) because they were absent from the earlier manuscripts. If you compare the NWT to any modern Bible (not the KJV) you will find that the passages are "missing" everywhere.

  • BCberean


  • rocky

    I compared a file that I did dowonload for E-sword with the watchtowerlibrary (2005) NW translation by using "BIBLESPEAK"

    It can create a report with differences between some translations.

    Here folows the differences... (report)

    Word counts do not match!

    Ezra 4:10 - Line 104 Line1 len 166 Line2 len 181 Line1 Words 30 Line2 Words 32

    and the rest of the nations whom the great and honorable As´e·nap·par took into exile and settled in the cities of Sa·mar´i·a and the rest beyond the River -- and now

    and the rest of the nations whom the great and honorable Ase·nap·par took into exile and settled in the cities of Sa·mari·a and the rest beyond the River { OMITTED TEXT} and now

    Word counts do not match!

    Nehemiah 12:17 - Line 345 Line1 len 62 Line2 len 76 Line1 Words 8 Line2 Words 10

    for A·bi´jah Zich´ri for Mi·ni´a·min -- for Mo·a·di´ah Pil´tai

    for A·bijah Zichri for Mi·nia·min { OMITTED TEXT} for Mo·a·diah Piltai

    Word counts do not match!

    Psalm 9:10 - Line 92 Line1 len 110 Line2 len 46 Line1 Words 21 Line2 Words 9

    And those knowing your name will trust in you For you will certainly not leave those looking for you O Jehovah

    Word counts do not match!

    Psalm 10:1 - Line 103 Line1 len 95 Line2 len 54 Line1 Words 19 Line2 Words 10

    Why O Jehovah do you keep standing afar off? Why do you keep yourself hid in times of distress?

    { Why} do you keep yourself hid in times of distress?

    Word counts do not match!

    Proverbs 31:31 - Line 915 Line1 len 84 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 18 Line2 Words 2

    GIVE her of the fruitage of her hands and let her works praise her even in the gates


    Word counts do not match!

    Matthew 17:21 - Line 577 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Matthew 18:11 - Line 594 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Matthew 18:24 - Line 607 Line1 len 112 Line2 len 105 Line1 Words 20 Line2 Words 19

    When he started to settle them there was brought in a man who owed him ten thousand talents =60000000 de·nar´i·i

    When he started to settle them there was brought in a man who owed him ten thousand talents { =60000000

    Word counts do not match!

    Matthew 23:14 - Line 788 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Mark 7:16 - Line 264 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Mark 9:44 - Line 367 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Mark 9:46 - Line 369 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Mark 11:26 - Line 451 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Mark 15:28 - Line 639 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Luke 17:36 - Line 794 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Luke 23:17 - Line 1059 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    John 5:4 - Line 170 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Acts 8:37 - Line 290 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Acts 15:34 - Line 553 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Acts 24:7 - Line 853 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Acts 28:29 - Line 1005 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Romans 16:24 - Line 430 Line1 len 2 Line2 len 16 Line1 Words 0 Line2 Words 2



    Word counts do not match!

    Revelation 16:16 - Line 273 Line1 len 83 Line2 len 82 Line1 Words 15 Line2 Words 14

    And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har–Ma·ged´on

    And they gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Har-Ma·gedon

    Please notice that the watchtower society has GOOD reasons to leave some doubteble verses/text.... other translations somteimes also do like that....

    See next for this:



    With the above information as a background, we are in a better position to examine some of the verses that at first might have appeared to be missing from recent Bible translations.

    We mentioned earlier that a scribe might add from elsewhere a sentence or verse to an account that he was copying. You can readily see that in Mark 9:43-48. In many newer versions verses 44 and 46 are omitted, sometimes with a dash being added to indicate the omission, as in the NewWorldTranslation. The text of those two verses reads, "where their maggot does not die and the fire is not put out," exactly the same as in verse 48. Whereas some Greek manuscripts contain verses 44 and 46, a number of older, authoritative manuscripts do not. The evidence suggests that a scribe or scribes merely repeated verse 48, perhaps even by accident. So omitting verses 44 and 46 from a modern Bible in no way involves leaving out part of God’s Word, for the same sentence is there in verse 48 of the same account. But what is accomplished by omitting the two doubtful verses? The account is refined and set forth as Mark was inspired to write it.

    In other instances the "missing verses" evidently have come from other Bible books. Some editions of the Bible help the reader to see this, for they print in a footnote the text of the omitted verse, such as was done in certain large-print editions of the NewWorldTranslation. If you do not have this aid, you can compare your modern Bible with the KingJamesVersion or a similar older translation. By such a comparison you can confirm for yourself that what is omitted may be just a verse repeated from another place or book. For example, note Romans 16:24 and compare it with verse 20 and concluding passages in almost any of the books written by the apostle Paul. You will see that, at Romans 16:24, some copyist evidently added a closing expression such as Paul included in almost all of his books.

    Perhaps the most controversial passage that has been taken out of recent translations that are faithful to ancient manuscript evidence is part of 1 John 5:7. In the past, this text was often appealed to in support of the unscriptural Trinity doctrine. Regarding the spurious passage, the Catholic JerusalemBible says:

    "The words in italics [inheaven:theFathertheWordandtheSpirit,andthesethreeareone;andtherearethreewitnessesonearth:] (not in any of the early Greek MSS, or any of the early translations, or in the best MSS of the Vulg[ate] itself) are probably a gloss that has crept into the text."

    Because this verse comes from a period that is so much later than the time of the Bible writing and its nature is so clearly spurious, many modern translations do not even treat it as they do other omitted verses.

    Finally, we can mention a couple of longer portions of the Bible where the manuscript evidence seem to scholars to be inconclusive. The ending of the book of Mark, from verse 9 on, is one of these. Another is John 7:53–8:11, about the woman caught in adultery who came to Jesus. This account first appeared in some Old Latin versions, and, in later Greek manuscripts, it is in three other locations in the Gospels. In many translations these two portions are included but separated from the main text, such as by being put in brackets or being set in smaller type.



    Did sick and crippled individuals actually get healed in the disturbed waters of Bethzatha, as John5:2-7suggests? And if so,by what power did those miracles occur?

    Actually, the account at John 5:2-9 does not establish whether a number of miraculous healings occurred at a pool in ancient Jerusalem. The only miracle that we can be sure took place there was the one performed by Jesus Christ when he healed a man who for 38 years had been sick. We can accept this miracle, for the report of it is in the inspired Scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:16) But many in Jerusalem back then believed that other miracles had occurred at that spot, even as many today believe that miraculous cures occur at shrines.

    Note what the Bible does say, and what it really does not say: "Now in Jerusalem at the sheepgate there is a pool designated in Hebrew Bethzatha, with five colonnades. In these a multitude of the sick, blind, lame and those with withered members, was lying down. ——— But a certain man was there who had been in his sickness for thirty-eight years. Seeing this man lying down, and being aware that he had already been sick a long time, Jesus said to him: ‘Do you want to become sound in health?’ The sick man answered him: ‘Sir, I do not have a man to put me into the pool when the water is disturbed; but while I am coming another steps down ahead of me.’ Jesus said to him: ‘Get up, pick up your cot and walk.’ With that the man immediately became sound in health, and he picked up his cot and began to walk."—John 5:2-9.

    The pool referred to was near the "sheepgate," which evidently was in northeastern Jerusalem close to the temple mount. (Nehemiah 3:1; 12:39) Recent excavations have uncovered evidence of two ancient pools, with fragments of columns and bases that indicate that a building having colonnades existed there in Herodian times, as John 5:2 says. But what did people back then think might occur here?

    Observe the dash in the above quotation of John 5:2-9. Some Bibles include an extra passage that is numbered John 5:4. That addition says something like: "For an angel of the Lord would come down into the pool from season to season and disturb the water; the first one then to step in after the disturbance of the water would become sound in health from whatever disease it was by which he was afflicted."

    However, a number of modern Bibles, including the NewWorldTranslationoftheHolyScriptures, omit this passage. Why? Because in all probability it was not in John’s Gospel. A footnote in TheJerusalemBible observes that the "best witnesses" omit this passage. The "best witnesses" meant are ancient Greek manuscripts, such as the Codex Sinaiticus and the Vatican 1209 (both of the 4th century C.E.), and early versions in Syriac and Latin. After mentioning ‘the absence of verse 4 from the best manuscript texts,’ TheExpositor’sBibleCommentary adds: "It is generally regarded as a gloss that was introduced to explain the intermittent agitation of the water, which the populace considered to be a potential source of healing."

    So the Bible does not really say that an angel from God performed miracles at the pool of Bethzatha. Well, did miraculous healings occur when the water was disturbed? No one today can say for sure. Maybe a tradition somehow developed that ill or crippled persons had been healed there. Once stories of supposed healings spread, desperate persons hoping to be cured may have begun congregating there. We know that this has occurred at various locations in our time, even when there is no documented proof of divine healings.

    We should not, though, be skeptical about the healing that the Son of God performed at the pool of Bethzatha. Why, without even entering the water, the man was instantly cured by the Great Physician. His documented ability to do this should give us reason to look forward to the healings that he will perform during the approaching Millennium. He will heal and help faithful humans back to perfection.—Revelation 21:4, 5; 22:1, 2.

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