You chance to be heard!

by pratt1 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • pratt1

    Here's the scenrio:

    You have the captive audience of all the Witlesses that you have associated with and loved in the past (including family members) but now shun you, for 5 minutes.

    You most chose one and only one topic to proved that their religion is false and not based on love.

    1. Who would you pick to be part of this audience?

    2. What topic would you choose to discuss? (shunning, UN fiasco, 607 BC, lack of love in the congo, sexism, child molestation etc...)

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I would pick 607 because the others can simply be attributed to imperfect men. But 607 is of vital importance to JW doctrines. If 607 is wrong, then so is 1914, and 1914 is the foundation upon which the entire religion is built. It is the basis for their claiming they have the truth. They are the only ones who recognized that Christ returned in 1914, and are therefore the only ones preaching about it. On this basis, Christ has appointed the WTBTS as the faithful and discreet slave. If you can prove the fallacy of 607, you can cause them to question all these other things.

  • journey-on

    I would pick as my audience members of the GB and several hand-picked df'd and da'd individuals along with their families.

    My topic would be "shunning."

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Only five minutes? That would not be long enough to prove the facts. Are we allowed to do a PowerPoint presentation, too?

  • changeling

    There's way to much ground to cover on any issue to cover in 5 minutes. This religion and all it has wrong with it is way too complex for that.

    Given a captive audience and the time to do things right I would address the ever evolving blood issue, the UN/NGO issue, 607 vs. 587, "generation" changes and the fact that Christ is not their mediator.

    I would only include my family. The rest don't really matter to me.


  • shopaholic

    A captive audience....hmmm...I have the perfect shoes!!!

    I would want all the GB, as many regular pioneers and elder's wives in attendance as possible, to get the word out because we all know they can't hold water. BTW, this would automatically include most of my family. A videographer and a transcriptionist to capture the event. I would have four simple questions that would directed only to the GB:

    1) Why are JW's allowed (encouraged) to vote in political elections in at least one (that I am aware of) South American country?

    Sidenote: I heard the talk from the platform ''en vivo" in that country telling them to vote to comply with the law and reminding them that they are to select all the candidates so that their vote is tossed out. This gives the appearance that they are no different than any other religion. Why don't they go to jail and suffer in Jehovah's name like so many other witness around the world?

    2)Why do JW's not donate blood but yet can accept blood fractions?

    3) Why can JW men in some European countries where beards (and be elders) but its not acceptable in the US although almost every adult picture of Jesus shows him wearing a beard?

    Last but not least:

    4) If I'm a regular pioneer, why don't you know who I am?

    Sidenote: Until recently, I was reg pioneer for almost 11 years and just recently found out that your time is not sent in for you as an individual. It's sent in collectively so the Society never knows if a regular pioneer gets their time only your local elders. For some reason that didn't sit well with me.

    So I'm thinking they should be able to answer each question in less than a minute. After all how long does it take to say 'Sis, have you talked to your local body of elders about these matters?"

  • watson

    The audience: Most of my family

    The subject: The contrast between the God of the Hebrew scriptures, and his son in the Greek scriptures, the mirror of his father.

    About 10 scriptures ought to do it. 5 minutes is a problem. Would have to have seeker help me with a crafty presentation.

  • changeling

    shopaholic: Cual pais? Sorry, I don't know how to make this thing do Spanish puntuation.


  • journey-on
    A captive audience....hmmm...I have the perfect shoes!!!

    I'm going to like your style! Welcome aboard.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    The subject would have to be the blood issue. I would like everyone to be there that I knew as a dub. I would also like the hospital liason committee members to be there. I want them to be able to have the opportunity to refute any errors in my presentation, which they could not. This should be enough to show the ones who are receptive that the doctrine is morally corrupt and total nonsense. The dubs always think these guys know something they don't and so trust their advice.

    The only problem I see is your time limit. 5 minutes is barely enough time to scratch the surface of a good discussion and I believe people should be able to ask any questions that would help them to understand. Asking questions is the key to truly understanding any subject.

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