He has become his own Governing Body! King is the Cuckoo bird who lays his eggs in the other bird's nest and tries to hatch them! He is turning disaffected JW's with weak minds into drones and hijacking a premise.
Astute observations! King is simply the latest in a stretching queue of people who, hurt by the watchtower, can't see beyond it so begin to see a special role for themselves in 'righting' the rot within the Watchtower. Thus, begins another "splinter" group.
In fact, you could say that the history of most, if not all, current "official" religious groups is one of disaffection from an existing group or groups followed by a period of divine "enlightenment". Robert King is just the latest deluded self-appointed representative of "Jehovah". Possibly no more or no less deluded than Charles Russell, Judge Rutherford and Knorr and company. Whether he will achieve the "heights' (or depths?) of influence of these men, who knows? Whatever the outcome, he'll give himself one hell of a stimulating trip and suck into his grandiose orbit a bunch of individuals longing for a saviour in the flesh!