Yes, the craziness is on both sides, even my inlaws are crazy especially my mil - oh the stories I could tell. My dear mil loves to tell me some of the sick stuff that she's done. I told my husband what she told me and he said "Didn't I tell you that my mom is crazy?"
Is Your Family Crazy?
by choosing life 26 Replies latest social family
I often say "I am the most sane person in my family. How scary is that?"
LOL!! Everyone thinks their family is crazy when the truth is:
Seriously, I thought mine was unique in it's dysfunction but I have found that it's pretty universal. I thought I was unique because I was born into a cult, my childhood was what many would consider abusive, alcoholic father, blah blah blah...but then as an adult I became very close to a very educated, monied, only moderately religious family and they were just as crazy and dyfunctional as mine ever was--just a different style of craziness.
So, just learn what you can from your family's brand of nuttiness.
Wordly Andre
Choosing life, I think we are related! your family sounds like mine.
Well, they never return the loving messages I leave on their answering machines.
They never respond to letters and cards (Birthday, Mother's Day, Christmas) I send them.
What do you think?
Have I got halitosis or just plain old bad body odor?
My family crazy beats your family crazy hands-down.
My grandmother and my mother, bipolar disorder. The drugs have improved since my grandmother's day. She committed suicide in an asylum. All my mom got was eleven shock treatments and a lifetime on lithium.
My ex-husband and his sister, my son, and my son-in-law, Schizophrenia. Similar improvements in drug treatments. Untreated Schizophrenia results in frontal lobe damage and a flattening of the personality. My son and son-in-law, thank God, take their medication religiously.
My old in-laws, just the normal crazy. Think their abusive, Schizophrenic, drug-using son on Welfare is a saint, and they blamed my son, their grandson and nephew, for CORRUPTING his father. I don't have anything to do with them.
My new in-laws, my husband's family, just the normal crazy. Weddings and funerals are always a circus as the dozen family members call each other and decide who is boycotting, who is attending, who didn't get invited and why, who won't attend if so-and-so isn't going, who is to blame for Papa's death, who ripped off whom in a bad business deal fifteen years ago, and so on. They are kind of fun.
My family isn't crazy (per se) but a lot of crazy things have happened in my family...
I can't help but still love them all, even though I cannot for the life of me understand them or the choices they make. I don't think the things I'd consider "crazy" that I've seen in my family growing up are attributed to them being witnesses either.
I believe it's just a part of who they are. Some very strage things happened in my house when we were growing up; so much so that four of use were out on our own by 15/16 years old (all except for my little sister/ daddy's girl).
I would mention some of the odd occurences that happened even after I moved out but I'm afraid it would be far too embarrassing for me.
The interesting thing is I never realized how weird things were until I left and was talking to someone about some of the things that happened, and as I was relating the story it hit me, this is so not normal... -
So crazy they would get kicked out of the looney bin!
Sister and niece on disability foir mental illness.
Mother with agoraphobia and many oither phobias, stayed inside unless accompanied by someone else, couldn't handle stress, physically and verbally abusive.
Father was narcissistic, alcoholic, physically and verbally abusive. I had the bruises and anxiety to prove it.
My maternal grandmother's branch of the family was relatively sane, just a couple of alcoholic males, females pretty stable.
Daughter checked herself into mental hospital for 3 days a couple of years ago.
Granddaughter recently completed 7 months in residential treatment.
I'm crazy, too, but have to act sane in order to earn a living. I keep away from the others so I don't get too caught up in their pathology.
Getting better one day at a time,
No, not crazy . . .just crazy about life. Real life that doesn't involve a mind and body controlling cult is just that, alive. And being alive and truly living and breathing in the "good, bad and head-turning" comes with experiences that may just yank on your sensibilites. I say jump in, head first. If you don't drown it'll be something you can tell your grandchildren about as you sit around the campfire.
However, you must jump in headfirst !