While I have commented one way already, looking back I have speculated wildly in the opposite
directions. It's just speculation, but I am starting to be influenced by what I read here and I am
starting to believe in the "Blaze-of-glory" tactic.
The WTS realizes that membership will slide down and donations are down. They will look at
the exciting events leading up to 1975 and the slight peaks after Sept. 11, 2001 in the U.S.
They have laid the groundwork for several different scenarios to play out. Here's the one they
will choose- As they continue to streamline the organization from the previously wasteful one,
and the product gets cheaper and cheaper, they will focus on one more date. I, personally
think the date will be 2034. This will be 120 past 1914, just as the days of Noah were after
Jehovah decided what to do.
There will be so much excitement starting in 10 to 15 years from now. There will be much to
do. The GB will say that since the growth is in foreign fields where it hasn't been exhausted
yet, they will move to Europe (picking some country that won't tax them to death). Up until
2034, the money will flow again and new recruits will come in (from developing nations mostly).
The money will include life savings of devoit rank-and-file who got old and willed it to them. The
product offered in the field will be cheap flyers that don't cost much to produce, along with one
brochure to study with interested ones who allow return visits. The brochure will be laiden with
legaleze- directly implied doctrine about the last days, obedience, etc., but not directly stated.
After the great disappointment of January 2035 (or perhaps a wee bit longer as they have stretched
into the next year on previous prophecies), we will see major changes. The GB will (sort of) retire to
some country estate and the lawyers and accountants will allow the writing dept. to actually
apologize for the GB- saying the GB should have stopped the members from running with their
speculations of an interesting possibility that the last days were equal in length to the last days
before the flood of Noah's day. It won't work- somewhere between 50 and 90 % will leave, but the
money, ah- the money will stay. The lawsuits will bounce off the Lichtenstein or Serbian or Whatever
based Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The lawsuits will only get to the properties that were
still left behind in most countries, but the lawyers outside of WTS will eat up any monies there.
Even here, the vast majority of properties will have been sold to pay for the phoney-baloney last-minute
lifesaving work. There will have been no renovations or new buildings in most lands for 10 years
leading up to 2034. Any growth will meet in private homes and rented facilities- old grocery stores and
The 2034 District Convention will be grand before the fall happens. The drama will be talked about all the
way up to January, probably a totally new take on what Noah and family did after the 40 days of rain.
Their eager anticipation of letting the animals out and NO MORE WICKEDNESS. The theme will reflect
OBEDIENCE TO THE GOVERNING BODY. The new release will be just another flyer, they will say that's
all we have time to get into everyone's hands. By then, people will be tired of JW's proclamation of doom
and the service meetings will say how they laughed at Noah.
You should all try creative writing like this. It is very releasing of the mind.