Today I learned not to be afraid to be called Atheist

by Gopher 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    That's cool, Gopher. It takes a lot to be open and honest with oneself, thus no longer being afraid to admit a lack of belief in something. It can/does go from being scary to very comforting.

    It's perspective. Some might think you now have a dismal outlook on life, when in fact, the new and extreme appreciation for life means quite the opposite!

  • Gopher

    Thanks Hortensia and Lonelysheep.

    Those who know me would say I am quite optimistic. That hasn't changed about me, not at all.

    - Jeff, of the "friendly neighborhood atheist" class

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote
    It occurs to me that the belief that there is no God and the belief that there is no God who cares are functionally identical beliefs. So while I reserve the right to believe that the universe may have had intelligent origin, I appear to be an atheist. Though I don't FEEL like one. How is it supposed to feel, to be an atheist?

    Does that make any sense?

    Yes, under_believer, it makes a lot of sense. If I recall correctly, Richard Dawkins, (in The God Delusion, I think), argues that such deism is "sexed-up atheism," making that argument for god's existence basically a moot point relative to humanity. So, yes, fundamentally, that type of belief is pretty much the same as being an atheist . . . but many believers just don't seem to attach the same hostile stigma to "agnostics" that they apply to atheists. It seems that hellfire is reserved for atheists, while maybe agnostics just get sent to Limbo . . .

  • jaguarbass

    Power to you. I take my hat off to you. You have my respect.

    For me today I'll take the middle ground for the very reason you stated. in reality everyone is an agnostic. Nobody, no matter how smart or experienced, knows for sure about a deity.

    But I do appreciate your wisdom of appraching life and lifes problems from an atheistic point of view.

    Because, if it is meant to be. It is up to me.

  • Gopher

    Thanks Jaguarbass. I never thought I'd cross over, and atheism is not popular ir easy. But if I am to be true, I believe we're here to help each other and that God isn't. I reflect on the Minneapolis bridge tragedy and see the wonderful human compassion and concern that has been happening here in my hometown. I believe in people, and that's a belief that can be backed up with plain, simple and irrefutable evidence.

  • SPAZnik

    Lovely thread.

  • wings

    Gopher, just wondering, how long were you in agnostic purgatory?

    BTW, I'm glad for you, I long for more definition in my life. I just need to be patient.

  • mavie

    Welcome. I too consider myself an atheist and questioned why some consider the need for agnostism in the first place.

    You might enjoy this article from the magazine 'tricyle'.

    Fundamentalists and 'militant' atheists both have it wrong, according to this author.

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