Do You Feel A Loss When Certain Posters Don't Post As Often???

by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Auld Soul is back. I've missed his insightful posts. I miss Farkel's wit and bluntness.Seven (Dave) is sorely missed. He's always left an impression. Frannie was always a welcome poster here. I used to love reading Larc's thoughts. May he rest in peace. Even when Blondie was away, you could tell........Do you notice when a poster doesn't contribute as they usually do???

  • PEC

    minimus, you made me cry, I want everybody to come back.


  • journey-on

    When I first started posting here in Feb., I enjoyed Brother Apostate. He was funny, informed, and presented his material in a well-researched easy-to-read manner. Also, I loved his avatar. I wonder what happened to him. I miss him and feel the loss.

    I left for about a month, and when I came back, it looked like new posters were posting, but then I noticed many of them had thousands of posts, so they had probably taken a hiatus at the time I came on and returned while I was gone.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I remember when Minimus took a week off (I think back in November).
    We had to answer other poster's threads twice as much because there
    were no similar threads going.

  • quietlyleaving

    Satanus used to post a lot - oh well perhaps he's on holiday. Satanus hope you are having a nice time

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Yes, definitely. Crumpet, you are sorely missed - hope the studying is going well and you're happy right now.

  • Mary

    I think we all go into culture shock when Minimus goes on holidays.

  • restrangled

    Yes, I definitely miss posters.

    I felt so bad when Juni decided to take a break, Auld soul too. Others I miss are JDH(I think those are the right initials)....the girl who got the interview with the spokesperson for the WTBS, and of course minimus when he went on vacation. I have not seen anything from Compound Complex lately!!!!

    It always seems sad when a someone leaves.


  • Dragonlady76

    When I first started posting here this board was a fast moving, lot's of people on, I have noticed since my two year hiatus that this place has slowed down significantly. There are a few posters I miss.

  • Paralipomenon

    That reminds me, I hope Mouthy's move is going good.

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