Showing Concern for Posters we Haven't Heard Lately.Do You Know Some?

by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic

    I'm missing my ol' buddy PaulJ. Hope he's doing good- I PM'd him but he hasn't been around to check it
    I was missing Atypical but I finally got in contact with him again so I'm very happy about that.

  • PEC

    I wonder how zanex is doing.


  • Gerard
    I have been wondering about several....Rowan comes to mind first though..... -Sunspot

    Several weeks ago, Rowan did an other attempt on her life. Quite a serious one and it was a very close call. I was back home just in time to call 911. This time I called her father (an Elder) and he came over to help along for a while. He understood the concept of clinical depression so did not blame it on leaving the religion (Rowan got reinstated only to go inactive). He was very loving and extremely helpfull and understanding.

    The new treatment is working well and Rowan is feeling better now. We just relocated to another city where she started her medical residency and a whole new lifestile and work environment. It all seems like a bad dream, but we are carefully aware it was not. We both are learning how to deal with frustrations and upseting experiences.

    I also keep others in mind. Dansk, for example. Much love and health, Sunspot.


  • flipper

    Gerard- thanks for the information on Rowan.I do hope she continues getting the help she needs. But you definitely emphasized the point we all should try to notice who is down or depressed among us, as this site is all some of these posters have to look forward to in life. I know that's generalizing, but it might be true, too. Anybody else think of anyone who needs help or encouragement, emotionally or otherwise? Peace to you all, Mr. Flipper

  • minimus

    BLUEBLADES, where r u ????

  • stillajwexelder

    Seattle Nice Guy

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Needproof and Frannie Banannie come immediately to mind but there are a few others i miss too.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What happened to Kenny? Wasn't he a poster here earlier this year?

  • flipper

    Thanks guys for showing concern for these people! I have noticed recently that a few posters have started back up who used to post regularly. Thats cool! If we can let them know they're appreciated when they post back, then maybe they won't fade away again. Personally I get a hell of a lot more appreciation on this board than I ever did in the witnesses. Even as a pioneer or Mnisterial servant

  • SirNose586

    I miss Sir Nose. Where is that helmeted goofball??

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