They are irrelevant.
The only reason we care is that many of us invested so much of ourselves in the cult.
by steve2 20 Replies latest jw friends
They are irrelevant.
The only reason we care is that many of us invested so much of ourselves in the cult.
who will not go out with a bang
I sure hope your wrong...I have been waiting a long time for that explosion.
This is the future of Jehovah's Witnesses, who will not go out with a bang
I agree. I can't see the org experiencing a spectacular end like
Heavens Gate or Peoples Temple, it's simply not their style.
I think their membership will eventually start to decline as they
run out of kids to baptise, and as time goes on with no armageddon or
paradise, older members will give up in increasing numbers.
They are irrelevant.
The only reason we care is that many of us invested so much of ourselves in the cult.
DING DING DING DING! WE HAVE A WINNER!!! The only ones who know about or give a gnat shat about jws is exies and a few xians who are worried about your soul.
There is no "bang" for them to go out with. Explosions are caused by energy. There is null energy in the org and nobody cares about them on the outside. If self-importance mattered, I'd be king of the universe.
By the way, the JW organization actually has until 2034.
Not so with the JWs they are very good at juggling around scriptures and by interpreting them in a very loose and arbitrary way make it appear that they have new valid dates. It's something like astrology where things can be interpreted in a non rational way and because someone strongly feels that is the valid way.
The problem lies with the followers who never question how trustworthy an org can be with such a long chain of date misinterpretations stretching back to 1880, it's already 127 years long. Given this, their reliability to correctly interpret Biblical dates is zero and done only to try and get some selfish gain out of it.
Nice piece of writing steve.
From IP_SEC: "There is no "bang" for them to go out with. Explosions are caused by energy. There is null energy in the org and nobody cares about them on the outside."
Prior to coming on this board I knew nothing about the dubs. If they had disappeared then I wouldn't have noticed, since they weren't even on my radar. Now that they are I have a rooting interest in seeing them go out with a bang simply for the sake of satisfaction it would give to the people whose lives have been so terribly affected by them. So I hope there is enough energy left for that to happen.
They will become just another american cult, like all the rest that existed before them
There is a way for them to go out with a bang. If there are enough lawsuits from the pedophile scandals and their initiatory fraud, they might not have enough money to continue running the scam. When they go belly-up, there will be no means for them to continue. At that time, it will either die totally or a few members will try to reform the group. Of course, if they try to reform the cult, the Internet will quickly squash the new cult.
There is a way for them to go out with a bang. If there are enough lawsuits from the pedophile scandals and their initiatory fraud
Yep, there's nothing like financial hardship to super-elevate anxiety levels.
JW are a spin off of William Miller second Adventist same as 7th day Adventist.The SDA freely admit it the JW lie and deny where they came When I exited the Jehovah's Witnesses in 1992 EVERY Jehovah's Witness around me,was convinced in their heart of hearts that they would NOT see 2007 in "this old system"
Many had NO retirement plans for old age.
The Watchtower lies and people die!