Last week i saw a former JW sister of mine in a grocery store parking lot. I was waiting for my brother to come out from work. I sat there for a good 30 minutes..and she never moved a muscle. I was thinking to myself why is she in the car doing nothing? Then next she cranked up her car and drove off. Now this is really sad because i know that she must have been faking her time in service. She was jus looking so confused and bored sittting there. Havent spoke to one person that whole 30 minutes of people passing by. Thats was enough evidence for me to really think that Jw's are really hoodwinked people..if she wanted to fake her time then she could had stayed home..rather than sit in a hot car..i was disgusted. The Jw's it seems just put up a show to please other people..even if it requires lying. The power WTS got over these people is crazy. The WTS needs to be EXPOSED on NATIONAL TV for the deceivers they are..and stop wasting these people time.
Alone in the car
by Blackboo 23 Replies latest jw experiences
That is so funny!
At least she accomplished more good sitting on her fanny in the car than going around selling the crap books or magazines! Less damage done !!
I really don't think that the GB gives a $hit if people actually go out in service, as long as they pay for the rags when they get them.
makes me think of that greenday song
i was all alone
i was all by myself
no one was looking.....
i was thinking of you
oh yeah did i mention......
i was all by myself
Saw my old lover in the grocery store, the rain was falling Chritmas Eve....
Sorry, that just popped in my head.
Come on now, maybe she was meditating on Jehovah. Ya neva, neva know.
changeling, please tell me you did not just quote dan fogelberg.
i was hoping the story would end with someone's head finally coming up from between her legs.
i was hoping the story would end with someone's head finally coming up from between her legs.
Now that's funny.
In my area no one is interested, so pioneers have to come up with some pretty creative ways of getting their time in. Some have resorted to volunteering to read to kids at daycare centers. As long as they read something from the Society's publications, they count it as a "Bible" study.