stop think replies

by bigdreaux 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • emptywords

    Do you feel that way. I do believe love covers a multitude of sins. Would be excellent if the GB would understand that instead of not allowing the b/s to have a different viewpoint to the WTS.

    You say the Christ began to rule in 1914, I don't believe that.

    As I said I wait.

  • journey-on

    Now, Brother Emptywords, let me address the first part about the GB not allowing the brothers and sisters to have differing views. Remember the scripture that says: "a house divided against itself cannot stand." Our FDS is lovingly providing the spiritual food in due season that we all need to serve and please Jehovah. If we are all going about preaching a different message, then we risk jeopardizing the unity and strength of our faith. If you have a legitimate concern, then we, the elders, are here to help you get straight. But, we have to follow the leadership that is being directed by Jehovah's holy spirit and not become puffed up with pride thinking we know what's best.

    You say the Christ began to rule in 1914, I don't believe that

    I'll let someone else take this one.

  • emptywords

    the hypocrocy of the org cause more divisions than anything. I find what you said about all the hassles of time the society asks of us on the other thread and here you are talking about divisions.

    Wisely many keep those thoughts to themselves, those that have to put up with inconsistences just do. Because they do rely on Jehovah and believe that he will in his own due time correct matters.

    Just because I believe that 1914 is incorrect doesn't matter, its just a date, But it matters to them, because their whole belief system is just about founded on that date. Just because I disagree with them on other issues doesn't mean I dont' believe in Jehovah or his kingdom. I don't watch dates, they do.

  • journey-on

    Uh, oh.....Emptywords, YOU DO KNOW WE ARE ROLE PLAYING, RIGHT? Look at Bigdreaux's original post.

  • emptywords

    yes and I'm trying to bump the thread.

  • bigdreaux

    sorry guys, went to bed, this is awesome. i'll be on later to engage. lol

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