'Cept Nvr.
Do YOU Believe Everything That Posters Say Here?
by minimus 69 Replies latest jw friends
The watchtower society and JWs on a personal level have earned nothing but contempt from me because of their actions. I've experienced enough of their abuses firsthand. It's difficult to disbelieve anything bad I might hear about them.
i was told that if it's on the internet it must be true
It is!!! Especially the news...like this one "Police Baffled By Bottle-Shaped Paper Bag"
"It's a real mystery," said Sgt. Ted Vittorio of the Bridgeport Police Department. "Judging from the way he kept putting the paper bag up to his mouth, you'd think he was drinking something out of it. But obviously he wasn't, since paper can't hold liquid. It would soak right through instantly."
This a reputable News site too!!!
I love the Onion!
Nope of course not, you're all a bunch of Lying apostates
Yes, Why just last night the space aliens told me that God does really reside in Pleades!
I think some posters tell stories. I think some embellish quite a bit. I've seen some real phonies here. I've read personal problems by a few posters that, when compared with earlier writings, do not jibe at all.
I think the vast majority here are on the level and express themselves fairly and openly.
I think a lot of early writings from any poster would be sprinkled with liberal misdirection, especially if they are just leaving the bOrg. They can still get the help they desperately need but with a protective layer of insulation between themselves and a very strange new world.
For the most I try not to decide whether someone is or isn't being honest with me on a forum.
AuldSoul -
Auld Soul, if someone shows thru their own words that they are lying, then I choose to not believe them or their stories.
John Doe
What kind of question is this? How many people do you think see themselves as believing everything that is said? Can you imagine anyone answering yes to such a question?