A Thread for us Screwed-Up People

by Mincan 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • WRJ

    Like everyone else is saying Mincan, you have learned early on the folly of the JW theory, good for you!

    The only danger in front of you now is dwelling too long on the lost time, and wasting more time talking about it too much. (sorry i dont mean to preach)

    To keep up the tradition of movie references (nice Princess Bride quote by the way) I'll give you one from "Batman Begins":

    "Its not who i am underneath, but what i do that defines me"

    So do it all!

    And im really jealous of your snow fields over there in Canada, the skiing is said to be the best in the world.



  • fedorE

    Buddy, make as many friends as u can. Try. Get ur mind on cool stuff like T and A. It helps a lot. And when ur out and about dont remind yourself of all the crap u did for 20 yrs over and over and over. If u dont already have a girlfriend GET ONE. Its time to use the world to the full.There is this huge boulder that is slowly .....slowly.......falling of your back..

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    P.S. Mincan, btw, every body's a bit screwed up over something; those of us who can admit it are way less screwed up than those who can't. Best of luck!

    EwW! I said "luck!" You know, that's just not something I say, JW or not! You can tell I've had a few today!


    People that know that they are screwed up will be ok becouse they will get help. The ones that are screwed up and do not know it well one might say they are JW.

  • BFD

    All I can say is good for you mincan.

    BFD- screwed up for 47 years (and counting) class

  • Twitch
    P.S. Mincan, btw, every body's a bit screwed up over something; those of us who can admit it are way less screwed up than those who can't.


    Be wary of those that have the answers

    Twitch (of the wonderfullly screwed up human being klass)

  • flipper

    Mincan- Good for you you have escaped this mind controlling cult! For your sake I'm glad you found out at 20. For me Mr. Flipper I didn't get out until 43 years of age , 4 years ago because I was so busy pleasing everybody else, and I finally woke up to the facts! As eclipse said, please know you have the rest of your life ahead to explore things in life that are beautiful. I have a 22 year old son who got out of it near when I did,and he's now going to college , learning valuable things to help him with life's skills. Any time you want to talk with Mrs. Flipper or myself you are always welcome my friend. Hang in there buddy, it does get better, being out of the org

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