by badboy 16 Replies latest jw friends
I have been to quite a few JW weddings in and around Gloucestershire.
Despite all the warnings from the elders there have been many in a considerably inebriated state.
I then leave, so not quite sure just how bad it gets later on!!
Some have tried rationing booze and putting elders in charge of serving drinks, even that fails to work.
They have the same failings as any one else but just can't/won't see it.
An event that happened locally, I think someone else on JWD knows about this one, was a few years ago now. A local congregation was supposedly closed for redecoration and some members came to my old KH, they went to other KH as well. What I learnt later on was that rather than a case of redocration. It seems the Elders were meeting at the KH for drinking sessions. Anyway one night a fight broke out between them, spilled out on to street. Police were called by people, Elders end up being charge with being drunk and disorderly. Seems someone informed London Bethel. They sent couple of Heavies up from London. Removed all Elders involved and spent a couple of weeks choosing new Elders. I believe the congregation is now only half the size it was from back then.
Later after I left I learnt from my daughter that young ones in the local congregations, would arrange secret parties. A hall would be hired outside the area. Messages would be sent by text. She said sometimes they would get up to 200, mostly JW's. Crates of beer, bottles of wine and spirits, plus food. There was also drugs available, cannabis, ecstasy mainly. Music, DJ, etc. Also that bigger "raves" were arranged around the Manchester or Leeds areas.
How come I never hear about these parties until afterwards.
our most zealous pioneer sister is an alcoholic and even attends the meetings drunk sometimes. nuff' said.
Alcohol dulls the pain brought on by the Watchtower's crazy teachings that have to be followed if one doesn't want to get destroyed by the Faithful Slave's loving god.
In my old congregation one of our prominent pioneers was a drunk and didn't hide it. The elders knew. We had a alcohol problem period.
"A report from one European country indicates that at times
some brothers and sisters arrive at the Kingdom Hall with a
strong smell of alcohol on their breath."
(The Watchtower Dec. 15, 1996, p. 29)
"So, heavy drinkers do not qualify for special service privileges."
Proclaimers P.182 -
The biggest drunks in my old Hall were the elders themselves. They'd get blitzed every wedding and alot of weekends. My sister's Hall is really bad. I'd say 3/4 of them all have a drinking problem. Many of them have anywhere from 4 - 8 drinks every day (found this out from my sister). When there was a WT study a couple of years ago about drunkeness, I guess the study was done in about 40 minutes as NO ONE elaborated on anything. They asked the question, someone gave one comment and they went on. Hmmmm.....guilty consciences perhaps?
I don't have any stories to tell that sound shocking. But I can confirm that drinking and the wt go hand in hand. We were sort of but not quite part of a cliche in a congregation in SW Florida. The cliche included several elders. There was a lot of drinking. I don't recall any incidents. However, an outsider could not distinguish these parties from any so-called "worldly" parties.
My drinking has dropped of substantially since leaving the org. I no longer have the need to "dull the senses."
Yes, a couple of elders in my former congregation were drinkers. They were neighbors too. One of them seemed to be more demanding when he drank and when he had a few "friends" over, he would order his wife around and tell her to refill his glass with more booze, as if she was standing around with nothing else to do. One time, in front of everyone, she talked back and told him to get the drink himself. He slapped her. Later on I found out that they had to meet with the rest of the elders, because she was ready to leave him. Somehow they patched things up and continued to live together, dysfunctionally for many years, until he died earlier this year of a medical problem no one knew he had. But his drinking buddy...I wonder who he drinks with now.