Ozziepost: thanks for your intriguing reply. It's food for thought.
I really don't care what the "unforgivable sin" is; I don't believe there really is one. From the JW perspective however, you'd think DAing would be about as "turning your back on Jehovah" as you can get. Oh well. Who ever said JW rules made sense?
No, no, really. I have a hole in my heart because I can no longer give praise to my Grand Creator alongside my Brothers and Sisters in the Truth. My life is so vacant and empty since I left. I have no purpose anymore. Without the privilege of praising our Great God Jehovah, what use am I?
How can I have fallen so low as to turn my back on Jehovah? How did I come to the point where I count his blessings as nothing?
If only he would forgive me and take me back.
OK. Really. Will someone please bitch slap him? He's under the influence of poisonous mushrooms.