Returning to "the truth" after DAing

by exwitless 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exwitless

    Ozziepost: thanks for your intriguing reply. It's food for thought.

    I really don't care what the "unforgivable sin" is; I don't believe there really is one. From the JW perspective however, you'd think DAing would be about as "turning your back on Jehovah" as you can get. Oh well. Who ever said JW rules made sense?

    No, no, really. I have a hole in my heart because I can no longer give praise to my Grand Creator alongside my Brothers and Sisters in the Truth. My life is so vacant and empty since I left. I have no purpose anymore. Without the privilege of praising our Great God Jehovah, what use am I?

    How can I have fallen so low as to turn my back on Jehovah? How did I come to the point where I count his blessings as nothing?

    If only he would forgive me and take me back.

    OK. Really. Will someone please bitch slap him? He's under the influence of poisonous mushrooms.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    As requested by Exwitless;

    LDB - consider yourself bitch slapped!


  • exwitless

    AK Jeff - Thank you for your prompt assistance. Now we'll just have to wait and see if it worked.

  • Es

    yeah good question.....

    I know of a few that went back after being D\F but none after being D\A, but then again in the past few years other than myself I dont know anyone who actually D\A themselves, and even if they did whose to say the elders didnt just announce them as being D\F


  • exwitless
    whose to say the elders didnt just announce them as being D\F

    That's true. Although now days, they don't announce it either way. You're just "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses". But back when they did differentiate, I wonder if they did sometimes lie and announce an actual DA as a DF or vice versa (for whatever sick, twisted reason).

  • changeling

    I thnk DAing shows deliberation and intent. I'm sure the elders view it that way too, so if a DA'd person attempeted to return it stands to reason they would be tough on him.


  • Highlander

    To the best of my knowledge, I personally know of only two people that sent in letters of disassocation. They are both still out.

  • Honesty

    I would rather be dead than to go back to the vomit of the Watchtower.

  • WTWizard

    For the information of those who think disassociation is the Unforgivable Sin:

    The Unforgivable Sin is finding out the real truth about the organization. A person can disassociate because they don't want to follow the rules or be hounded and harassed, only to later go back. But, once anyone finds out what the religion is really made of, they are not going to want to go back ever. In their eyes, that is the Unforgivable Sin.

    I have never personally known anyone who disassociated. I have seen people get disfellowshipped, though. I have seen maybe 15 or 20 get disfellowshipped, along with an estimated 30 or 40 that faded. And yes, I have seen reinstatements. I saw two separate people get disfellowshipped on two separate occasions each only to get reinstated each time (now, how stupid is that!). I have also seen one person get disfellowshipped and reinstated, and then get reproved a couple of years later. But never disassociated.

  • dedpoet

    I've never known anyone actually get reinstated after da'ing, but
    a girl in my cong did start returning to the meetings for a while
    after she'd da'd. She was the daughter of an elder, and all her
    family were in, so I guess the pain of losing them got to her.
    Happily for her, she didn't apply for reinstatement and, as far
    as I know, doesn't go at all now.

    I da'd about 2 years ago after being inactive for almost 6 years,
    and I'd personally rather pour petrol over myself and strike a
    match than go back to that shit.

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