Lurking Dubbies, wake up! If it weren't for sites like this one, JWs woud be the last to know about the Society's doings such as these. Other examples are the cancellation of their petition to build a 20-story facility in Brooklyn and the downsizing of the Bethel family, not to mention the goings-on in the pedophilia litigation, etc., UN scandal, etc.etc.
by DannyHaszard 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I remember when the WTS used to brag about this Kingdom Farm as an example of how Jehovah teaches his people to provide for themselves, and this is how things will be in the New System.
I suppose with the property being so valuable, they can rake in a huge profit and start shopping at Costco and WalMart for groceries like the rest of the people in the US.
The society apparently, has more than one farm. A quick Google Earth search:
Watchtower Farms, Wallkill, PC 12589, 41 degress 36' N, 74 degrees, 06' W.
Kingdom Farms, Lansing, PC 14882, 42 degrees 34' N, 76 degrees 33' W. (the property spoken of above)
The article wrote: "across the street from the State youth incarceration facilities."
That was "Gilead". It was sold to the state a few years ago.Watchtower Bible School of Gilead, located at South Lansing, N.Y. -
Will they give anything out of that to charitable work? I hope they will carry on as usual and carry on sending out the wrong signal to the world, the JWs will be working in vain trying to persuade people that the WTS is the loving and charitable organisation of God.
The society apparently, has more than one farm.
Watchtower Farms is the one that you can tour. It's where they moved a lot of the printing facilities years ago.
Kingdom Farms (the one for sale) is different, as far as I know they haven't used the property as a farm for quite some time.
Will they give anything out of that to charitable work?
Sure they will, any kingdom hall that needs money the society will be there to help them out.
The only it back with interest and if you don't, your kingdom hall will be shut down and everyone will be df.
Geez, never knew they had a Kingdom Farm in Lansing.....
When was that bought?
Maybe they have to sell to pay off all the lawsuits pertaining to the pedophile coverups?
I am not sure if I am reading it correctly, as I am but a village idiot.
Are they saying that moving many printing facilities to Wallkill
(or Lancing or whichever they want to call it) has
caused considerable expenses, including vast promises to upgrade
sewers, and they want the property to pay for these expenses?In other words, they don't need the "farm" portion of the land and
want to make a profit from it. They just tell the dubs that it was to
pay for the improvements to the part they kept. It is a sound
business move. This takes the focus off of the money they are
making and puts it on the money they are spending. -
If someone here got a mole in Crooklyn, its not that hard to find out what they are doing next well in advance. I wonder what is next to be sold?