how do current jw's feel about where their contibutions are being spent?
by manhasbecomelikeoneofus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Most haven't a care or a clue.
They trust "Mother" implicitly.
I guess many of them trust that whatever they contribute, the WTS will put it to the very best use.
I doubt that most of them arefully aware of what their money
is spent on.Obviously, printing, shipping and looking after the various bethel
workers takes money, and no doubt many jws would consider
that money well spent. I doubt they know too much about the
various legal battles that the watchtower have been fighting, and
losing, recently though. I can't see those being in the magazines,
particularly the recent out-of-court settlements in child abuse
cases in the USA. -
for some reason this didnt show up on my post: ive noticed that some of the posters on this site are still active members of the wtbts. this is a question for them. after reading about the recent cash settlement paid to make the child molestation lawsuit go away, how do you feel about YOUR contributions being used to pay for the cover up? will you still make cash contributions at the hall knowing now what they are used for? are you still willing to finacially support an organization that is in the middle of such a sinful scandal?
for some reason this didnt show up on my post: ive noticed that some of the posters on this site are still active members of the wtbts. this is a question for them. after reading about the recent cash settlement paid to make the child molestation lawsuit go away, how do you feel about YOUR contributions being used to pay for the cover up? will you still make cash contributions at the hall knowing now what they are used for? are you still willing to finacially support an organization that is in the middle of such a sinful scandal?
I still attend meetings. I don't attend much but I still manage to squeeze out one here and there. I haven't given them a dime for months after I found out that the money could go towards the Pedophile Protection Fund. The only money I dropped in the boxes since then were contributions people gave while I was in the door-to-door work, which by the way I didn't tell them of the donation arrangement, they just gave it on their own.
im an active jw too. but you know what? i donated the big pile of around 8$ in my LIFE yet! i did it when i was like 13 years old and never again. i always thought i can do it when im older (felt guilty about that often). now im adult and i dont donate either because i learned to many things about the org... i dont wanna help them.
in my case the balance is negative. 8$ for 26 years of magazines, bibles and books. yay. -
After my JW roommate learned of the sex abuse settlements, she wrote a letter to the elders and told them she would not be donating any more money. She hasn't been to a meeting since. They did come by my house last Saturday (my mother who lives across the road saw them). No one was home (roommate is out of town visiting relatives at the moment).
Like mentioned, I seriously doubt that anyone on here still going actually contributes. There's no tracking of donations so no obligation!
When I was a JW I felt the congregation was wasteful with the money when they did renovations on the hall. For that reason I decided to keep my money. As long as I didn't donate I had little to be upset about.