I had a conversation with a pioneer at Yosemite National Park recently. She was aware that I do NOT attend the meetings anymore. In the past she did not speak to me, but now she did. She started pioneering at an assembly prior to 1975 and just stopped a few years ago. We talked about the organization. She told me that she still goes too the meetings, but really did not believe anything the society said. She goes for the association. She said I was right 20 years ago when I stopped pioneering and started a career. She mentioned how EVERYONE in the hall demeaned me because of my decision at 19, but now it appears I made the right one.
Many in the org. seem to feel hopeless that the world is still going on and the end has not come. No education, no medical, no 401k, just a green bible.
Are u aware of any that are protecting their investment in the org. by staying active, but do not believe any of this garbage?
Obviously we left, but do u know of any others?