I've noticed that most of us may not have a college education but most of you are extremely intelligent people.
Do you think that Ex-JWs are smarter than the average bear?
by reneeisorym 35 Replies latest jw friends
I've noticed that most of us may not have a college education but most of you are extremely intelligent people.
Do you think that Ex-JWs are smarter than the average bear?
One thing that leaving the Watchtower has taught me is humility. As a Witness, we're taught that we were above and beyond every other form of life outside the organization.
So now, I certainly don't brag about anything that I have accomplished. I did get a 4-year degree while I was a Ministerial Servant (hehe). I did it somewhat covertly, though. But I think it takes something a little more than book smarts to see beyond the mental conditioning that you go through as a Witness. So yes, I think ex-Witnesses who were able to NOT be hypnotized by the Watchtower and break away...those are intellectually superior individuals.
I can't say that I am one of those individuals. Because I didn't realize the evil of the Watchtower until after I was out, after I was disfellowshipped. When I was in, I couldn't see it.
My mom said "you are too smart for your own good" when I used to ask questions she couldn't answer. Or as I got older she would say, "I don't like talking to you because you make me think."
Renee, Witnesses don't like to think. They like for everything to be delivered to them in a nice, sealed package, where they can just sign for it and forget about it.