I don't have money on either side of the issue, but from what I've seen, indeed, it mj can trip you over the line to psychosis. This would likely happen with someone who is walking a fine line anyway, but it happens. Those with severe mental illness are encouraged to not use any recreational drugs. Their minds already fragmented, mj and other drugs just further the fragmentation. Hypnosis can do the same thing too.
Marijuana may increase psychosis risk, analysis says
by ithinkisee 28 Replies latest social current
It does risk it...living with someone addicted to dope for years, I can personally tell you this is true, not to mention my job and work with those that have been smoking this pchycotic drug for years. For those that have a bi/polar or other mental disorders that smoke this weed it is deadly.
After years of using this drug it does harm the mind and causes all sorts of mental problems including paranoia and shizaphrenia. It has been proven.
The thing is, pre-Schizophrenics shouldn't smoke pot. It makes them worse, faster. I also suspect that people who have a tendency towards a psychotic illness are more likely to experiment, and experiment more heavily, mistrusting the establishment's warnings on it's use. Their use may also be an attempt to self-medicate.
My son gave up Marijuana fairly early on, because he figured out that all depressives were doing him no good. Giving up meth and crack have been harder. Being a young man with a dual diagnosis (Schizophrenia and drug addiction) has made it doubly difficult for him to overcome.
You understand why I am interested in this subject.
I tell you, the last few years with my son have been the best as he:
- Admitted that the drugs were bad for him, and not making him a superhuman as he originally believed.
- Admitted he had Schizophrenia and agreed to take the anti-psychotics. He became compassionate nearly overnight.
- Faced the reality that overcoming his addictions would be no walk in the park. It's been a humbling experience to admit he couldn't walk away any time he wanted. He also had to admit that his drug-addicted friends were using him on payday to keep their own addictions going.
It isn't really news that recreational psychoactive drugs should be avoided by those with a history of mental instability, or that persons using psychoactive drugs should seriously reconsider their recreational drug use if they have any contraindications. It has definitely become clearer in the past decade that teenagers should avoid heavy pot usage, as they seem especially susceptible to cannabis-linked psychosis.
Of course, there is the old correlation is not causation thing.
It may be that people with certain psychological traits (and therefore weaknesses) are drawn to psychoactive drugs. Do people who go to certain websites (say geeks to Slashdot) go because of internal factors or because of eating lots of M&M's? Statistically one could show correlation between eating M&M's (or other typical 'sat in front of a computer all day' snack) and reading techie websites.
Anecdotally I feel there is causation, but that it only effects some - just like some people are especially susceptible to contracting lung cancer if they smoke cigarettes, or some people are more susceptible to alcoholism.
Equally of course, whilst it may be true those experiencing contraindications SHOULD stop, it could well be they are in the group least able to do so.
What is untrue is that cannabis is getting stronger to any significant level.
What is true is that moving it from class B to C has made supply easier and heavy use easier.
What is not true is that there has been a large increase in users as a result of moving it from B to C.
What is true is that people being admitted for treatment are more frequently diagnosed as probably needing treatment due to cannabis use.
This leaves us with a drug that has been used for thousands of years, that causes far less damage to non-users than alcohol, and that damages the health of users to a greater or lesser extent than other recreational drugs (including nicotine or alcohol), and that may be especially damaging to some more than others, just like other recreational drugs, and that represents an equal risk overall as some commonly accepted and played sports.
But, of course, viewed like that doesn't make for column inches...
12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
So whose fault is it really?
jgnat Their use may also be an attempt to self-medicate
totally agree.
I read a very intresting historical expose on MJ in www.bigeye.com , when you go there click on the MJ leaf located to the lower right side of front page. Enjoy!!.......rocky220
another fascinating website is: www.drugscience.org
rocky220 [from the educated user class.....]
I'd have to agree that if you have mental problems ....even depression, smoking herb can do a mind trick on you and it isn't fun. When I was younger it didn't seem to phase me but as I got older and with reoccuring depression, it acted different on me in that 'paranoia' came with the price of smoking it.