doing "bad" things while inactive...results?

by DeusMauzzim 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    A friend of mine was Dfd for eating a meal in a restaurant with a Dfd person. Just like Franz.

  • erandir

    I'm in a similar situation as you being inactive for over 2 years and not attending anything for over a year and a half except one meeting here or there in another congregation an hour away (I'm beginning to lose track of how long it's been, really). I find it curious as to why the elders don't do anything about it. My wife seems to think they won't as long as I keep a low profile. Others have backed this up, too. So, from what you describe, it sounds like if they haven't so far, I wouldn't worry about it. Even an occasional DF-association shouldn't hurt you as long as not too many know about it.

  • Es

    I hadnt been to a meeting in 4 years or so, the elders just recently found out i celebrate bdays and christmas and so they D\F me, or to be more truthful they went ahead with my D\F letter that i sent over 2 years ago


  • ?me?

    i wonder how true the language they used on thier site a few years ago. "we do NOT shun persons who walk away"(or something like that ) blondie or someone else will have the exact quote and link. but we all know that is subject to the like or dislike or spunk of the local elders. most i have found to be very lazy and shy when it comes to confronting behavior in the cong. they only will deal with it if it is a HUGE deal and someone in the cong. takes it to the elders and wants some action. i know they have suspicions about me and my wife's actions being "unchristian" but they choose to ignore it.

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